Tag Archives: buttery

Holiday Post #2: Scottish Shortbread

Guys, Christmas is only two weeks away – what are you doing here sitting around, not buying your presents, or organising your parties, or ensuring the Christmas turkey can fit in your oven?

Reading my post? Ain’t that sweet, gnawww you guys! Ok fine, but after this you simply must get back to your baking, your making, your gift-wrapping 😀

Where am I (or will I be at this moment, considering I wrote this post a while ago)? Well, I am gambling, drinking and accidentally getting married by an Elvis Impersonator.

I am not 21 yet, so according to US legal stuff, I can’t. 😉 

My Logo

But yes, I am in Las Vegas, seeing the night life, living the dream and not sleeping – I am pretty darn sure I am not sleeping right now 😛
But besides all that, I am still pretty gosh darn (how mild!) excited hat Christmas is coming up!!!

And with Christmas, comes Santa’s favourite cookies… which seem to disappear before Christmas Eve at my place but maybe Santa likes giving me presents early? 😛



Now, I don’t know why there is a little bit of country-ism going on here, especially around such a festive season, but apparently, these shortbread are Scottish.


Frosty Baby!

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Well… I’m Off

Hi guys. So I do not have much time to write a lot in this post, though it includes an awful lot (contradictory, aren’t I?) 😛

But don’t blame me – it is SO my brother’s fault – he got me involved in a very heated Scrabble battle.


In the tiebreaker we TIED – 307 to 307, we are what champions aim to be 😉

But anyway, you are probably wondering about the title. I do this a lot to you.

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As if this ‘word’ needed to be made any longer!


But like ‘cubism’ or ‘realism’ or ‘impressionism’ or any of the ‘-isms’ which my English teacher seems to believe applies to every English word in the dictionary (humanism, beliefism, train-trackism – whatever, the context, believe you me there will be an –ism in there!), I decided that one of the most famous words in the history of English should really join the party. And thus…

Supercalafragalisticexpialadoshusism was born. 🙂


There are some concepts in this world which have a supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus-ity about them.

What I mean when I use this convoluted but very catchy word is that there are concepts which are hit-you-in-the-head-with-a-brick painful.

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What Did You Do For Valentines Day?

Well. Here we are. Two days after Valentines Day. The day filled with romance, roses and red stuff. Because you know. Valentines Day.

The day one gets so mushy and gushy (rhyme that with mushy for my sake :P), seeing couples (old, young, in that ‘middle zone’ where they can’t decide) holding hands and walking in rhythm… sigh… what a romantic day.



The day that TV shows nothing but cartoons glowing red and giving their other half a kiss on the cheek with their hearts literally beating out of their chest, as if it would rip it apart.

Yeah, Jerry, you can’t hide that luuuurve on Valentines Day 😉



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Almond Popping Over Again

I swear, my house is a cookie baking factory this weekend – and none of them chocolate which should truly come as the biggest surprise!!! What is going on???
Well, anyways, do you remember me explaining my almond meal dilemma to you?

Yes well, I scrapped the traditional shortbread I was planning to make and opted for this delicious almond shortbread recipe from Joy of Baking – I obviously adore her almond cookies 🙂

68There is really not much to say about these cookies – as expected from any good shortbread, they have a melt in your mouth texture and crumble at the touch of a finger. Be warned that no matter how much you prick (mine is so holey it’s not funny!), your biscuit will definitely puff up at one stage and then suddenly deflate – no need to worry 😀

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