CCU Undercover Diary: Patisserie New York

CCU was ecstatic. Alicia Key’s ‘Empire State of Mind’ was pumping through her mind as she took bite out of, bite out of, bite out of each delicious creation placed in front of her.

With her cape flying behind her, she sugar rushed up, up and away… all the way to the delights of New York…

review title


Dear Diary,

10th July 2013

Do you remember how I went on a macaron adventure over at Zumbo’s? Well, I haven’t been again, unfortunate right that I can’t update it yet?


Because now I can make a new diary entry for  Patisserie New York instead 🙂 – I know, I know, you should thank me now before even reading this post 😉


I have actually never visited this bakery #HSClife – so once more, my parents came to the rescue, and brought home boxes of cakes for yours truly. All in the interest of reviewing, I hope you understand of course, all professional *ahem*


When I do visit Patisserie New York (which is, funnily enough, not in New York, go figure right?), I will be sure to update you on that, but for now, I suppose you just have to be content with the amazing, mouthwatering desserts I want to share. No complaints? Didn’t think so 😛

Oh and just before I do, just let me remind you that I am definitely not done with that Sexy vegan cookbook (I have been making the smoothie everyday now!) – I still have one recipe dying to be made and a full review especially for you this weekend 🙂


Now that I am ready to begin, I don’t know where from… since I have been brought back two different boxes, shall we just go by that? 😀 – Let’s see if you can take the uber fantastical nature of Box. Number. 1. 
Bring it on…

Belgium White Chocolate Mudcake Wedge 
Price: $5.40

Pretty non?


This cake boasts of a white chocolate mud cake (though on their site, they describe it as sponge) with layers of smooth white chocolate ganache in between them, and topping the cake, along with apparently ‘hand shaven’ white chocolate curls, dusted with icing sugar.


All Belgium chocolate obviously.

A dense cake with a creaminess from the ganache, this is not super-sweet like white chocolate tends to be, rather reminiscent of the White Chocolate Lindor ball.


Basically on all counts, this cake is pretty much a win 🙂


Californian Carrot Cake Wedge
Price: $5.40

Ok, so this is the standard all good carrot cakes should be measured to. Actually. Dense and quite a thick cake, but still crumby and moist, not tasting like sawdust in your mouth. Trust me, I have eaten carrot cake like that…


I love the strong hit of cinnamon in the cake and the walnuts adding texture as well 😀 – and it suited the presentation, the scattering on top 🙂


The cream cheese frosting was smooth and creamy, but I couldn’t quite pick another flavour in it, slightly almost like mint, but it clashed a little bit with the cake. Perhaps a normal, vanilla flavoured, or slightly sweeter frosting would be more appropriate.


Regardless of this very minor thought, I would devour this cake in a second. Oh thighs…


Black Satin Mud Wedge 
Price: $5.40

If the devil was a piece of cake, he would be this one. He would be sinful, indulgent and encourage greed and lust. Because oh. my. god. Look at this cake.


Can you resist?

Because I know I needed a muzzle to keep my teeth from biting into every luxurious mouthful. It was not being controlled by my brain, it was my heart all the way!


Topped by the cutest macaron in existence (which was a little soft on the crunch but was tasty and had a smooth chocolatey ganache inside it), this chocolatey creation was dense and very rich.


The dark moist cake was complimented by the lovely Belgium Chocolate ganache which just ‘enrobed it’, quoting the website.


I definitely found the cocoa content to be higher than majority of chocolate mud cakes in existence and had no problem with that – My mouth waters just thinking about it…


Mango Passionfruit Coconut Cake Wedge 
Price: $5.40

Ok so when your brother and daddy control their sweet intake, but go crazy over a cake so much that the foodie of the house (your’s truly) literally gets one bite, you know you have a delicious cake on your hands 😉


Not only is this cake one of the most beautifully presented out there, but the tropical flavours literally transports you to Hawaii. Or Fiji. Or the Caribbean. Wherever you want to go really 😉


The glaze is a rich, mango-passionfruit concotion, and I love that they have left in the seeds, it really aesthetically adds to the cake! The smoothness of the glaze goes very well with the crumby, soft spongecake, bursting with the tropical passion-mango flavour too 😀

The coconut is quite subtle but works so well with the tropical fruits, it melts in your mouth!


And the multicoloured macaron? Gorgeous much? Like in the Black Satin Mud Wedge, the macaroni is soft, without an obvious crack, but the internal ganache is rich and delicious. Perhaps a passionfruit-white chocolate ganache inside would have complimented the cake a bit more?


Not bad? Hmmm, it’ll do 😉 (says the girl who went high on cake :D)

Are you ready for Box 2? Think your teeth can handle it? Or should I say eyes? Ok, no more questions, just lose yourself in desserts… swim in desserts… Candy Land… 😉


My Bad: Gooey Caramel Cupcake 

Say what? Yeah, this cupcake had a bit of mishap in coming home… oops 😉


Looks like I will just have to review it properly by buying it again – but as far as crushed cupcakes go, I had a BRILLIANT time cleaning up the mess…

Individual Apple Frangipane Tart
Price: $5.30

I really like this pastry. You know grape jelly? It is almost like an apple jelly on top 😀


Aesthetically beautiful, with a sprinkling of cinnamon, the jelly-glazed apples also worked very well with the frangipane. The almond flavour was obvious but in a sweet, good way! The texture was only a little crumby, but definitely not light, rich almost!


The pastry while crunchy, was also pleasantly sweet, definitely my favourite pastry of the bunch I tried 😉


And the apple appear to be slightly burn in its caramelisation but it added extra apple flavour to the recipe – this tart really should have be bought in big size… aah pastry shop regrets 😛


Individual Mixed Fruit Tart 
Price: $5.90

This looks like the queen of desserts. If done right, the golden pastry, the pillow of glazed fruits hiding a bed of vanilla pastry queen. It looks fit for royalty… and yours truly 😉


This little treat definitely lived up to expectations! The fruit was fresh, a BIG plus, and glazed with a clear jam, I am pretty sure it was apricot or a gel of sorts.  I was a HUGE fan of the vanilla pastry cream (or French Custard) in the middle, it was very smooth and tasted fresh, therefore complimented the fruits perfectly 🙂


I also liked that they kept the fruits traditional, keeping the iconic image of the fruit tart – kiwifruit, canned apricots, strawberries, blueberries and a half grape – perfect together!


I will say that the pastry almost had a savoury taste to it, conflicting with the precise sweetness of the other components, but not a big deal, just a little more sweet would have been preferred 🙂


Individual Rhubarb And Apple Crumble Tart 
Price: $5.30

There is not much to say I suppose but that if you are into an apple, and a fan of rhubarb, you will VERY much enjoy this tart 🙂 – Personally, I rarely eat rhubarb but in this tart, it was hard to stop actually!


The stewed fresh apple-rhubarb mixture just worked really well. Enclosed in a shortcrust pastry of ultra buttery melt-in-mouth composition, the sweet apples and the slight tart flavour of the rhubarbs kicked butt… or tongue is more appropriate 🙂


I also really liked the crumble, it was light and almost soft, not too crunchy and taking away from the beautiful pastry, just adding another texture to it 🙂

With a sprinkling of icing sugar on top, I went to crumble heaven with this tart!


Red Velvet Cupcake 
Price: $4.00

Ok, you probably don’t remember, I had a rant a while back now, possibly last year, about my hatred for commercially baked cupcakes. I completely retract that opinion for these cupcakes.


For the first time, I found some cupcakes which had a soft, moist crumb and had a flavour relating to their name as opposed to a generic piece of cardboard 🙂


I was so happy to take a bite into them, I cannot even begin to tell you!
Look at that red!


The red velvet cakes were dense, beautiful to look at and had a generous cream cheese frosting, which could have been a touch sweeter but still went deliciously with the cupcake!


Chocolate & Hazelnut ‘Rocher’ Macaron 
Price: $2.80

Ok, so the macaron had a very pretty speckled shell, though I was expecting a dusting of gold to be reminiscent of the pretty gold packaging of a real Ferrero Rocher 😛
Also would have been nice to see a bit of the filling, while it was generously in the macaron, it would have added aesthetically 🙂


On taking the first bite, I found there was very little crack, which was a little disappointing, but the chocolate flavour was delicious and the hazelnut-generous filling left an aftertaste of Nutella without actually being Nutella 🙂


Room for a little improvement, but a delicious macaron nonetheless – Like Zumbo did in his Pear & Almond Macaron, they should definitely added a nut right in the middle of the macaron, to give a bit more texture!

Strawberry Rose Macaron 
Price: $2.80

I know you may call me Princess CCU, considering such a complex and beautiful flavour could only come from a palace 😉


Also a little soft on the crack, this macaron more than made up for it with the incredible strawberry infused with rose cream, it added such a perfect balance!


I was actually expecting it to be a little artificial but honestly, it tasted fresh and sweet, that was it 🙂

I also really liked the pretty colour, it was a cross between a pink rose and dark strawberry – such an overactive imagination 😀


Lamington Macaron
Price: $2.80

Ok, so I am loving the patriotic pride coming through here for Aussie iconic desserts (despite being named Patisserie New York 😉


This macaron was delicious, again despite the slight lack of crack, but unfortunately it completely fell off the mark for me because it was not very reminiscent of a lamington, rather reminding me of a chocolate coconut brownie-fudgy macaron!

I couldn’t feel the spongecake, and according to the website, there is a raspberry cream which I got no hint of, perhaps overpowered by the chocolate?


While aesthetically beautiful and delicious in its own right, it should be changed a little, maybe increase the raspberry and add a bit of spongecake infusion into the cream?



Phew. I like trying dessert

*Sets down fork and wipes mouth* – Do I have something in my teeth? Oh 30 cavities?

No problem, totally worth it 😉 – I hope you all thought so too 🙂

General Notes:

  • Macaron wise, I preferred Zumbo’s but the flavours were unique and delicious still – A little adjustment, maybe making the filling all rounded instead of concentrated to the middle, and a bit more feet and rise in baking them to have a ‘Voila!’ 🙂 – also small macarons having no crack is understandable but they should be there for the larger ones!
  • Everything was so fresh – the ingredients could have been bought the day of making
  • Since it was brought home, I love that each cake was covered with plastic on the sides and on a little gold cardboard sheet – lift it out without ruining the cake, little details make a big difference
  • By afternoon, majority of their products have sold out – it is a testament to how good their bakery is 😀

Patisserie New York


25A Morts Road
Mortdale 2223

Phone No: 9570-9997

Patisserie New York on Urbanspoon – I know, this is their other branch in Caringbah but I am sure the quality is the same, see the blog below 🙂


Other Reviews: Eesh Blog

See you next time diary, can’t wait to write more about this patisserie 🙂


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  1. Oh my goodness, Uru….did you test each of these all in one sitting?!?! How lucky you are! I wish someone would bring me a couple of boxes of pastry to taste test! They all look good, but if I had to pick one…..I think I would go with the Black Satin Mud Wedge (and that cute little macaron!). Great review!


  2. Wow, that’s enough to give me a sugar rush just looking at the gorgeous photos on my screen of yummy desserts! I’m sure you just taste a little to keep your pretty figure. 😉


  3. wow! I would really wish to have that box filled with lovely cakes and treats in front of me right now! Did you finish it all on your own!

    Lamington macaron? thats interesting. if only they did it well. but i would love to have the frangipane tart!


  4. eliotthecat says:

    “Mud Wedge”? That doesn’t SOUND good but it looked delicious, as did every single sample your parents brought for you. 🙂


  5. Baking Gypsy says:

    Excuse me. I’m still rotflmao at Mr. Bean :p …ahahaha that meme is epic! :p Ahhhhh…now onto dessert. Girl, you’re killing me with all these sweet treats. Those cakes look amazing..I wouldn’t know where to begin. #luckygal 😉



  6. navane64 says:

    Each one of the sweets/desserts stands out in its own way. I had a great time looking at them and yes, just perfectly made, blooming with colors and I can go on and on but let me stop.


  7. Hotly Spiced says:

    Mortdale? Isn’t that a long way from home? If so, your parents did a really good job of getting this box of goodies all the way home in one piece. I am wondering how you managed to get through all of this without falling into a sugar coma. As for me, I would just love to reach through the screen and grab that carrot cake – you surely wouldn’t miss it xx


  8. Sorry for the absence. We lost power in Toronto because of flash floods, and we were some of the unlucky ones who didn’t have electricity for 3 days! Power is back up now, so it’s back to blogging “business” for me!
    Anyway, you are so lucky to have your mom bring you all these treats for professional review – ahem! I’m looking at that Mango Passionfruit Coconut wedge and I am drooling! That Apple Frangipane and Apple and Rhubard Crumble looks divine as well!


    • Not a problem my friend, I hope you are all safe and the floods have stopped 😦
      I wish I could send you everything from this wonderful bakery, thank you for stopping by 😀



  9. Amy Tong says:

    Oh my…thank you for the detail report. Now I wish I have a Patisserie NY around! I can’t wait to visit and try them out myself. They all look wonderful, especially the decadent chocolate cake and fruit tart!


  10. Oh you lucky, lucky girl! I must have gained 20 pounds just looking at all this deliciousness. I love a dense carrot cake so I’m going to say, that one has my name on it!!! Although, I’d be happy to “review” any one of these delicious looking delicacies.

    Thank you so much for sharing…


  11. bec {daisy and the fox} says:

    :O everyone one of those special treats look so DELICIOUS!!
    lucky you Uru! 🙂 (rhyme intended :P)
    what a fab way to help get through the studies!


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