Belated… Everything…

Hiiiiiiiiii… you… *hits you virtually on the shoulder lightly*

*awkward silence*


Ok, so maybe my keyboard is having a little trouble working… or have my fingers just gotten out of practice in blogging?

Fine, you wrenched the truth from me, it is the latter. Gosh guys, can’t you give me anything? You still love me right?


Guys? Are you there? Hello? Am I being a bit clingy? – sorry, sorry I’ll stop, anything you want, so sorry!  😛

But you see, there is a reason (actually many) behind me being a little lost for words and not being the regular Shakespeare that I undoubtedly am!  😉 (no ego lost here, I assure you!)


  1. I feel like I have not had a blog for ages – After 6 weeks without commenting, cooking or even recipe searching, I feel like I have entered ‘regular teen territory’ – *shudder* 😛 – and that involves the wonderful world of lazing, eating and chilling. Yep, no hard work involved…
  2. I did have a French speaking exam and my 18th birthday after my main exams finished – so I really didn’t have much time until now… ahahaha (maybe slightly exaggerated..)
  3. I WANTED TO SHOW YOU MY NEW TATTOO OMG OMG – I got it today, and then immediately went to  publish this post – was it painful? Hell yes. Was it worth it? Hell yes 😀


Also I definitely need to say thank you for the multitude of ‘good lucks’ and ‘best wishes’ I received while I exammed (don’t judge, english is my worst subject by far 😉 – you guys were so supportive and wonderful! 😀
And judging by the feedback, you guys fell in love with my guest posters as well – not that I can blame you, they were pretty fantabulous 😀


So now, let bygones be bygones and let us toast to a wonderful new start to continuous blogging, thankfully! Unless the fluffy pillows on my bed get to me and you know…. OMG kidding guys, chill… I promise, I will stick to my baking schedule! 🙂 – no need for those pitchforks and cliched torches right?

To toast to you all, I decided to not use champagne, though I am allowed to drink it now (not in the US, I know :P) but muffins. Big, rich and deliciously dark chocolate muffins. Now remember, these are a breakfast food, not cupcakes, so I did not make them overly sweet.


I simply put an uber sweet surprise in the centre.

And studded them with chocolate chips.

And ate them slathered in Nutella.


See, total breakfast food! Obviously… 😉

Can’t wait to be back and baking and posting on schedule for you guys! Next up? Maybe some more breakfast food, maybe something to do with cookies and cream? Who knows… 😛


Mud Chocolate Chunk Muffins


Adapted from: Brown Eyed Baker


  • 113g salted butter, chopped
  • 80g dark chocolate
  • 2 cups SRF (self raising flour)
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar (leave out if you don’t want the muffins too sweet – that is what I did)
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp coffee granules
  • 1 1/4 cups buttermilk (I didn’t have any, so I dropped literally a few drops of lemon juice into milk and voila!)
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 2 cups chocolate chips
  • Sweet surprise – like mini chocolates – I used this box of Roses chocolates from Cadbury


  1. Preheat oven to 190 degrees C
  2. Spray or place muffin cups in a 12 holes of a regular muffin tin
  3. Melt butter and chopped chocolate in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Remove from heat
  4. In a large bowl, whisk the flour, sugars, cocoa and baking soda and coffee granules
  5. In another bowl, whisk together the buttermilk, egg and vanilla essence
  6. Make a well in the dry ingredients and pour in the liquid ingredients and the chocolate mixture
  7. Using a rubber spatula, gently fold the mixture together till just combined
  8. Stir in the chocolate chips
  9. Fill each muffin cup halfway with batter
  10. Place a small surprise in the centre (I chopped some of the chocolates in half!)
  11. Spoon batter on top into each muffin cup and smooth over top – these muffins do not ‘come out’ and fall, they continue to rise but still do not fill the muffin cups up completely
  12. Bake for 7 minutes at 190 and then turn the heat down to 170 degrees and bake for another 13-15 minutes (so they do not dry out)
  13. Check to see if cooked by inserting a metal skewer in and if it comes out clean or with a phew crumbs, you are good to go!
  14. Take out of the oven and transfer to a metal wire rack
  15. Cool in the mould for 5 minutes before removing and cooling to room temperature (if you can wait – they are extra crumbly when soft and warm!)

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  1. Happy belated birthday! And is that a new tattoo? It’s beautiful body art! I’m just amazed at what you do with chocolate, CCU, and I can always make room for chocolate! I am so delighted your exams are behind you and glad to see that you’re ready to get back to blogging. I don’t know how you do what you do! You have so much talent and ability, and how you fit it all in simply amazes me! 🙂


  2. Carolyn Chan says:

    That’s a lot of catching up to do from our end too ! 🙂 Welcome back !

    Congrats on exams being over – does that mean that you have completed your HSC and are now just anxiously waiting the results ? When do they come out ? Good grief I remember that day. Everything still came by mail then haha and all I remember was all of my school mates and I just sitting at the front room waiting for the postman to deliver the mail that day.

    On the tattoo – do tell us more ! It looks GREAT (albeit painful !). Does it have a significant meaning ? Why did you do it ? I would never have the guts to do that – I have a phobia on needles so I am in awe of ppl that get tattoos.

    And finally on the muffins – LOVE that little treat in the centre !!!


    • No no, haha I wish my friend! I have to restart my studying but so much post-trial/pre-grad celebrations to be had! No my exams officially finish in November actually! I think we get them online now but I know I will be absolutely so scared when that day comes 😛

      Thank you so much, no no significant meaning 😛 – I just adore peacocks and their beauty so decided to have it adorn my body 🙂 – I wasn’t too comfortable and it was painful but hardly as bad as I imagined it to be 🙂

      Thank you so much!



  3. Child – did you get that on the back of your thigh??? well hell yes that hurt! that and the inside of your arm are the worst – or so I hear. I have mine in a place few people have seen. The story of how I got it is WAY more interesting than what it is! 🙂 It is beautiful. So many colors – you paid a pretty penny for that one missy. I love it! I also love the muffins and I’m so glad you are back!


  4. pamasaurus says:

    Welcome back!!! I’ve missed your delicious recipes, and this one looks AMAZING!!!

    I’m kinda jealous of your tattoo. It’s beautiful, and a peacock feather is on my shortlist of tattoos I want. It’s pretty!


  5. Sophie33 says:

    Yeahhh, CCURU: You are back!! I missed you heeps!

    And we can celebrate this by making these stunning stuffed chocolately muffins! I love them too! they look insaenly delish too! 🙂 Yummm! Hugs! x 🙂


  6. Wonderful to see you back. Congratulations on finishing the exams and turning 18. Did you know that 18 is celebrated like the 21st is here? You’d be a hero over there but you couldn’t drink.

    I love your surprise filled muffin!


  7. Veronica says:

    Welcome back stranger! And what a very pretty tattoo you’ve gotten while you were away. Is there a special significance or do you just like peacocks? In any case, your muffins be fabulous, girl. Love the sweet surprise! And I totally approve of eating them with Nutella. A must. 🙂


  8. We missed you!!! So glad you’re back – whew, 6 Uru-less weeks was rough! but yes, your guest posters were fantabulous. These muffins look amazing and your tat is incredible. It’s gorgeous!


  9. Balvinder says:

    Nice to you back my Guru Uru! I missed your Choco filled posts 🙂 And did you get your tattoo on your birthday? It look nice. As always the chocolate chunk muffins looks super duper cool!


  10. So glad to have you back in the blogging world with us… we missed you. 🙂 Congratulations on your final exams.. your birthday and all the other oodles of wonderful things you have accomplished. Your TATTOO!! OMG!! You are a rock star. 🙂 Love the chocolate muffins.. nom, nom, nom! 🙂 Well done my friend. 🙂


    • Ngaww I missed you all so much as well my friend 😀
      Haha these were my final school exams but I shall post about that later, thank you so much I am too happy to be back 🙂
      Awww I am so glad you like it and the muffins too!



  11. Kim Bultman says:

    Uru, “Mud Muffins” are the perfect reintroduction to blog world. (Heaven help us all!) Your teenage “chillin'” is equivalent to my best day in the kitchen (and/or in front of my oven…) — tattoos not withstanding. Love your peacock feather! (Tho I’m not inclined to follow suit — not cuz’ tattoos are taboo or whatever, but becuz I’m such a wimp, lol!) Welcome back, my lovely, lively friend!


  12. Suzie says:

    Welcome back 🙂 Happy belated birthday also! I love, love, love your tattoo!! I’m glad you had some time to enjoy yourself and be a teen. These muffins are over the top fabulous!!


  13. Liz says:

    I will be over for breakfast! Those look amazing–can’t go wrong with Brown Eyed Baker. Congrats on getting past exams etc and never apologize for being a “regular teen.” That is what you should be! Very cool on the tat–looks good! Looking forward to more baking stories. And have I already mentioned how much I love your blog title. So clever and fun!


  14. Gina says:

    Don’t be so hard on yourself, life is hard enough without adding the pressure of blogging in. Whoa a tattoo, you have been busy. Congrats on getting through the exams, I’m sure all your tasty baked goods helps.


  15. A_Boleyn says:

    Congrats on the tattoo and welcome back to blogging. The chocolate and candy bar additions are over the top. How about a nice healthy salad next?

    Oh what the heck, make it a chocolate pasta turned into ravioli? 🙂


  16. navane64 says:

    You surely can stand the pain of having the tattoo. I wanted to do but I don’ think I can take the pain. The muffins are lovable, especially the center that’s really tempting. Let me see if I can find some time to weekend to make. I am sure my friends will love it very much.


  17. You got a mor pankh for a tatoo???!!! How COOOOOL!!!! And it is beautiful. Quite big too…. I have never seen that before on anyone. So are you a Bal Krishna bhakt? Or is it that you simply love peacocks? Looks painful though. I love the surprise center. Coffee and chocolate – yummm!!!


  18. Glad you are back, love the muffins and the tatoo!! Congrats on completing your work for school you must be relieved and happy and good for you having a little lazy time, after all the hard work you are due!!


  19. laurasmess says:

    Welcome back beautiful! So glad that you’ve survived exams and that you’re back in the world of freedom. We definitely missed you, despite the wonderful posts from your guest bloggers. There’s no-one like the genuine Uru! Love your beautiful new tattoo also. Colourful, free and vibrant – just like you! Love the look of these muffins. Definitely going to try them. Hugs xx


    • Awww, like the genuine Uru, that is so sweet! 😀
      Haha survived yes, but now I can’t be bothered studying for my exams in october 😛
      I am so glad you liked the muffins and the tattoo! 😀



  20. Oh the thoughts that go through our minds whence we join the world of food blogging:) Welcome back Uru. We did miss you. These muffins sure sound like cupcakes to me. I may just be hearing things of course:) Either way, they are sinful! I’ll take three:)

    Thanks for sharing…


  21. Becky says:

    These muffins are breakfast food indeed, and perfect for the chocoholic:) I know how you feel about coming back to blogging. I’m just back from hiatus, too.


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