Tag Archives: surprise

Belated… Everything…

Hiiiiiiiiii… you… *hits you virtually on the shoulder lightly*

*awkward silence*


Ok, so maybe my keyboard is having a little trouble working… or have my fingers just gotten out of practice in blogging?

Fine, you wrenched the truth from me, it is the latter. Gosh guys, can’t you give me anything? You still love me right?


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Driving Baby!

Ok, so sweeties, I suppose I should have told you before but it has been two weeks since I can OFFICIALLY DRIVE MYSELF!


Yeah… that’s right… me on the open road, my hair flipping in the wind and my drive-through takeaway in the seat beside me. Oh yeah…

“Oh mum… you want me to grab some bread? Surrrreeee…”

“Daddeeee… after school can I go out with my friends. I will be home whenever…”

That's it?

That’s it?

“Hey guys, let’s catch up at towers (local shopping centre)… I’m just on the way…”

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