Match Made In Heaven + Giveaway Time! (Closed)

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There were slates of clouds scattered throughout the sky, dimming the blue and creating an overcast. Glimpses of rays dodged between them, creating natural spotlights on the earth below.


He was walking, quite stiffly if I do say so myself, through the park. He looked all crinkly, and not fresh at all, as if he had definitely seen better days. ‘Ugh, how to do it, how to do it!?’, a single though revolving through his mind. He could feel his fingers probing at a lump in his pocket, its soft velvety texture not providing any reassurance.

She was coming to meet him in only 10 minutes, and he just wanted the world to stop so he could just breathe. He could feel himself melting by the heat of his stress and the pressure placed on him.



Is it too big? No what I am thinking. Is it too small? Does she even like the colour? Oh no, I lost the receipt! What if it is fake – what is she gets arrested?!

Stop. He ordered himself to breathe. He had time, looking at the gold watch contrasting his chocolatey colour. I have plenty of time. A whole 7 minutes!


But suddenly in the distance, life trolled him a little, throwing a curveball.

She. Was. Early.

He ran up to her, his prepared speech buzzing through his head and he spit it out before she even had a chance to greet him. He knew he would explode if he didn’t…


“My dearest Marsha,
You are the Moon to my Sun, Caramel to my Apple and Rose to my Doctor. I would go to the ends of the universe to find you. You are my one and only. Marsha Mallow, will you marry me?”


Marsha just looked at him in astonishment. This player, who goes around like nobody’s business, and has been seen in every vending machine since creation, was asking her to marry him? To be with him forever? She was amazed and could see his earnestness, right down to the drops of chocolate sauce he was sweating off.

“Oh Choco, I don’t know what to say… but now I do, my answer is YES!”


*Sniff* does that story not get you every time!? Sigh… it is all so romantic! Mrs Marsha Mallow-Late and Mr Choco Late asked me to be their official photographers for their wedding *sniff* and so that is what I would like to share with you!


They are quite patriotic so would like their ‘shipping name’ to be Mississippi Brownies, therefore who am I to argue with them?

May I just describe them as a couple? Honestly, there is so much complimentarily, I cannot even begin to explain! Marsha is very… squishy and fluffy, quite the softy really while Choco provides a bit of backbone and sturdiness to their relationship, though he is equally sweet! Choco is quite robust and masculine while Marsha is the epitome of your dainty heroine, too cute!


Choco is also quite dense at times, he doesn’t understand complexity that well and always fudges on while Marsha is quite intuitive and uses her sweetness to completely change the fudge nature of Choco depending on what the world around them needs.

Soul mates right?


Now, in a world where divorce rate is close to 50%, I am sure you are wondering how to find you own soul mate as the Mallow-Late couple have. Their recipe for love is below and serve that to someone you like, and I think you will be well on your way!

Enjoy the ride 😀

Mississippi Brownies w/ Ganache Drizzle

Heavily adapted from: Bev Cooks



  • 230g salted butter
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup caster sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 3/4 cup plain flour
  • 1 cup chopped almonds + extra for decoration
  • 1 250g bag marshmallows (more if you eat them while baking… like moi… it is a sickness…)



  • 1/3 cup thickened cream
  • 80g milk chocolate


  1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees C and butter a baking tin before lining it with baking paper
  2. Brown the butter in a saucepan over medium heat till smells nutty and is a golden brown colour
  3. Immediately remove and add sugars, mixing them through till dissolved
  4. Let cool for ten minutes before adding the eggs, stirring them through one by one into the mixture
  5. Stir through the vanilla essence
  6. In a separate bowl, sift in the cocoa powder and plain flour (I forgot to sift and dumped :P)
  7. In the middle make a well and pour the wet ingredients into the dry
  8. Stir until a few traces of flour remain, before mixing through the chopped almonds
  9. Pour it into the tin and bake for around 25 minutes (until there is a crust and it bounces back a little – not too much! You don’t want the recipe to be fully baked otherwise post-mallow, it will over bake!)
  10. In the final 5 minutes, take out the tray and scatter the marshmallows on top and return to the oven – This allows them to melt onto the brownie and create marshmallow topping
  11. Take out and let cool while you make the ganache, resting them on a wire rack
  12. Ganache: In short 7 second bursts, microwave the cream and the chocolate stirring between each zap, until a smooth ganache is formed
  13. Drizzle ganache over the marshmallows on the brownie, let cool to room temperature before cutting into pieces/eating the whole tin 🙂 (The marshmallow is super sticky, so keep dipping the knife into hot water and wiping so it cuts nice, even pieces!)


Now that that is done, the love story has been told, it is GIVEAWAY TIME 😀

Thanks to MenulogAustralia’s number one online takeaway and food delivery website, you could be enjoying free meals delivered to you by simply winning this competition! Can’t you imagine a stormy, rainy day, with your oven broken and your family whining for food – this could be your ultimate saviour!

And I offer not just one winner… BUT TWO! YAY 😀 A PAIR OF WINNERS!

Did someone say... Giveaway?

Did someone say… Giveaway?

Before I outline how you could be the very lucky winner of this absolutely awesome giveaway, let me share a bit more about what Menulog offers to you all 😀

   “Menulog is Australia’s number one online takeaway and food delivery website. It features over 2500 takeaway restaurants, 8000 specials and 100,000 restaurant reviews.

Menulog customers can order through the website or mobile app and pay via credit card or cash. It’s free to use and customers will receive instant SMS confirmation upon completing an order.” 

Screen Shot 2013-11-21 at 1.34.50 pm

Ooft. Is that easy or is that easy? If you are lucky enough to win one of the $25 codes on offer, simply enter it on checkout and voila, all your take out dreams come true! 🙂

Unfortunately, this is ONLY for Australian residents to enter (sorry rest of the world!) :/ (But my blog giveaway will be happening in the new year so do not despair because that baby is international!)

In order to enter, simply:

  1. Like Menulog on Facebook
  2. Like Go Bake Yourself on Facebook
  3. Comment below answering this question: What is your ideal takeaway?

Make sure you leave a separate comment to tell me which areas you have fulfilled to increase your chances of randomly being picked the winner!

Good luck mes cheris!

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  1. Pingback: CCU Undercover: Full Moon Thai w/ Menulog + Giveaway Announcements (Closed) | Go Bake Yourself

  2. Choc Chip Uru says:

    Nancy @ gottagetbaked: Lmao, when I was reading your post, I thought “omg did someone propose to Uru?!” And then I realized you were talking about the greatest love story of our time, between marshmallow and chocolate. Sigh. I’m swooning! These brownies look ridiculously good, Uru! Welcome back, girl! I’ve missed you. I hope you’re enjoying your post-exam freedom!


  3. Choc Chip Uru says:

    Emma @ Fork and Good: I know I should probably comment on how awesome this post was…. but then i saw the swirly marshmallows and I REALLY WANT SOME!!!


  4. Choc Chip Uru says:

    Edible Celebrations (@lavesta): Gotta Love that story, Uru and those brownies too!!! Oh my goodness. A match made in heaven:)

    Thank you so much for sharing, Uru…good luck to all the entrees in the give-away.


  5. Choc Chip Uru says:

    Hotly Spiced: Great story, Uru and yes, it’s very hard not to eat the marshmallows once that packet has been opened. Great looking brownies xx


  6. Choc Chip Uru says:

    Tammy: That was the most beautiful love story I’ve ever read :,) Oh Uru…is that where mini mallows come from?!?! 😀 ..Ahem I digress. Beautiful union…fingering licking if I may say so without sounding creepy.

    Heh, I could go on forever. Wishing you a very wonderful weekend deary.



  7. Choc Chip Uru says:

    Hannah (BitterSweet): They really do make the perfect couple! Many congratulations on their union! 😉 I always love a happy (and delicious) ending.


  8. Choc Chip Uru says:

    bec (daisy and the fox): great story!! love your writing style!
    and i’m glad the two got married because this looks absolutely delicious!
    Best combo – all the best to the happy couple! 😛


  9. Choc Chip Uru says:

    Vickibensinger: I have a weakness for anything that remotely resembles Rocky Road and this definitely comes close. I’m sure I could probably sit down and eat this entire batch myself assuming my family wasn’t around. Great recipe!


    • Choc Chip Uru says:

      Haha I have a rocky road recipe coming up soon so you will be extra happy my friend 😀
      Also just wondering, I was not able to comment on your blog? Was there a reason?



  10. Choc Chip Uru says:

    Ash – foodfashionparty: Get out, I am so naive, I was expecting something else, well this one’s not a bad ending either. How much do I love this combination, they are match made in heaven.
    You are a sweet little writer. Happy weekend.


  11. Choc Chip Uru says:

    A_Boleyn: What a unique introduction to a special sweet treat. We were both inspired to make brownies, almost on the same day, but the marshmallow topping on yours makes me want to improve my next batch … maybe I’ll go with the caramel and chocolate chip version I ran across. 🙂


  12. Choc Chip Uru says:

    jothetartqueen: What a cute story!

    Love brownies and you make them look really delicious. love it with the marshmallows and ganache! a match made in heaven indeed!


  13. Choc Chip Uru says:

    Bam’s Kitchen: What a fun story and a happy ending. Marsha and choco go together like two peas in a pod. I hope there are some sequels coming soon…


  14. Choc Chip Uru says:

    Veronica: You are too cute, funny, and clever! What an awesome parable. You should write foodie fiction. 🙂 The brownies look out of this world and definitely a match made in heaven.


  15. Choc Chip Uru says:

    Nami (Just One Cookbook): Ohhhh too painful to look at closeup shots of your delicious brownies! 😀 Looks so yummy! Love your delicious wedding story! 😉


  16. Choc Chip Uru says:

    Blackswan: I love your title “Match-made in Heaven”! Too bad I’m not eligible for the giveaway :< Nonethleless, good luck to all!


  17. Choc Chip Uru says:

    Curry and Comfort: LOL!! Loved the story!! 🙂 Who doesn’t love a good love story. 🙂 I would love to eat this dessert now. 🙂 I resigned up for emails… I’m glad you let me know. 🙂


  18. Choc Chip Uru says:

    Shakti Ghosal: Mmmm! That looks and reads heavenly. I need to acknowledge you for a superb step by step hand-held recipe where one just cannot go awry. Great stuff!



  19. Choc Chip Uru says:

    Benjamin Travia: My ideal takeaway is Italian. There’s so much variety of dishes and regional variations. Plus, you are never left hungry. Thanks for the giveaway!


  20. Choc Chip Uru says:

    Three Well Beings: I thought I was soulmate to chocolate! LOL! But this is incredibly rich and delicious, I’m quite sure. As a little piece of info, my family roots are deeply embedded in Mississippi USA…so I have always enjoyed Mississippi Mud Pie and the like. This is a nice twist! I wish MenuLog were available here, too. It sounds like a great offering!


    • Choc Chip Uru says:

      Like I said, that chocolate is a player 😉 – I still pine after him haha
      Oh wow, that is so cool! This recipe is officially part of your family! I haven’t tried the mud pie, do you have a recipe?



  21. Choc Chip Uru says:

    Coffee and Crumpets: Awwwww, I am so happy for the married couple! I think they make the perfect couple. They look dense, delicious and decadent, definitely a Hollywood couple. 🙂


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