Tag Archives: Australia Day

Topsy Turvy Australia Day

A little bit of a twist on the most delicious traditional treat Australians have shared with the world. Who would have thought spongecake, chocolate and coconut would be such a magical combination?

An Australian, that’s who 🙂

The spongecake is dense, but soft and rich, and when it melts onto your tongue along with the white chocolate, you melt right with it – just like any dessert should make you!

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Australia Day 2014!!!

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… Kind of been ingrained into us Aussies since before we started kindergarten, so please forgive the outburst.

Though honestly, there is nothing to forgive, because, well, it is Australia Day, and I am pretty damn proud to be able to show my patriotic nature 😀

Whenever I think of Australia, I feel so so sooooo lucky, because there are a lot of things to love about it!

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Australia Day Festivities Begin

Coming up on the 26th of January is Australia Day!!! National holiday for all us Aussies, we whip out barbecues, beach umbrellas and cricket bats from dawn and celebrate with friends and family alike!

It is where people party and do whatever their heart desires to show both their Australian pride and enjoy themselves and that is what makes this so great! Everyone comes together under a big gold sun, shuffling their feet through soft green grass and wearing the green and gold so right for the occasion (really, no way!) 😉

Now I know there are some misconceptions out there about what Australians and Australia are really like. I guess every country has its stereotypical image, but I need to make a couple of things clear because seriously, this is our day of partying and I don’t want you to imagine bushwalkers waltzing with koalas around a billycan, beer bottles in hand 😀


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