Tag Archives: peanut butter

The Procrasti-Baker

Guys, it is a bittersweet time! After sharing with you wonderful salad recipes and no-bake lemon bars, the #undergradstudentbloggers link up party initiated by Ala @Wallflour Girl is finally coming to a close!

You have read about how we never have enough to eat, how we never have time to do… well.. anything… and now? How we waste all the time that we do have.

Going out with a bang mes cheris, welcome to the final segment magnifying in on the lives of undergrad/grad university students all over the world! Remember to check out all the links after reading for the ultimate student blogger series experience 🙂

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Australia Day 2014!!!

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… Kind of been ingrained into us Aussies since before we started kindergarten, so please forgive the outburst.

Though honestly, there is nothing to forgive, because, well, it is Australia Day, and I am pretty damn proud to be able to show my patriotic nature 😀

Whenever I think of Australia, I feel so so sooooo lucky, because there are a lot of things to love about it!

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Guest Post #9: Peanut Butter Quinoa Oat Muffins

Bonjour mes cheris, get excited for me! After I finish these exams I am wading through right now, half of year 12 will be forever finished and over with! YAY!

Mais non, focus, FOCUS! It certainly is not over yet no matter how much I dream about year 12 formal. Ah, c’est la vie!

Anyhow, while I am not here to give you recipes, tips, tricks and well, my blog, I have some pretty fan-friggin-tastic fabulous chefs lined up to do so instead! A whole range of dishes for you to enjoy while I am on this undesired break  – You won’t even notice my absence I promise!

See you soon for the April holidays and wishing you all a marvelous Easter break! Promise me you will chow down on what that Easter Bunny brings you/your chocolate loot stashed in the bottom of your drawer – Yes, I am on to you all!

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Well my friends, it seems that we have reached our last but far from least guest poster!
Meet Erika. Pancake obsessed, cake obsessed, sweet obsessed Erika. Yeah, I think you all will get along just fine with her, especially when you see the muffins she has to share today 😀

Please welcome The Pancake Princess, with her flair for sugary treats and fantastic blogging style as your final guest poster 🙂


Hi everyone! I’m Erika from The Pancake Princess. I’m very excited to be guest posting on Uru’s blog—not only does she write entertaining blog posts and bakes up some of my favorite nutella creations, she’s also one of the most supportive and best commenters around. Basically, she is super cool.

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Guest Post #3: Peanut Butter Banana S’mores Bars

So my friends, once more my exams have come but at least instead of lasting 3 weeks, they are only lasting a week 😀 

In order to have some preparation time and all that, I would like you all to give a warm welcome to some stunning guest posts ranging from sweet to savoury (or should I say savoury to sweet) with a little surprise in the middle for you all!

As always, see you all on the other side mes cheris!

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Ok guys, so today I want you to meet Ace… sorry oops, that is just how I have started thinking of her in my head. Meet Jennie from The Messy Baker! Why do I think of Jennie as Ace? Well, if you have visited her blog before, I suppose I won’t have to explain a single thing 😀 Continue reading

Baking & Bugs

Bonjour mes amis, I have a question to ask you all… don’t you absolutely love baking at night? In my case I love it especially when everyone is out but even when everyone is asleep, you can still just wiggle down in your jammies and no one will look at you with raised eyebrows when you eat the batter 😉 (more than one spoon… shhhh no one is looking)

So that was the kind of evening I envisioned for myself yesterday night when my family was out, my brother was asleep and it was just me, my impulse and a huge bag of chocolate chips, blocks and ingredients begging to be used 😀

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Happy Belated Father’s Day

Ok, yes, it is so true, Father’s Day happened very much early September and yes, I am guilty of being late again but honestly can you blame me considering it was the weekend before my 2 hour maths exam? Haha nope didn’t think so 😉

This Father’s Day (2 weeks perhaps too late but still!), I decided to bake 2 pies in one oven (I hate the idea of killing two birds, I mean seriously, which sadist made that up? :P) and make not pies at all but ice cream 😀

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Attempting Silence

Look, let me be honest. I do not have many flaws. In fact, hah, it was very hard for me to come up with the one I will tell you about today. After all, I am just about 100% perfect.

pb fudge 16Wow, doesn’t someone need to eat some humble pie… 😉

Unlike the above description of yours truly, I do lots of things wrong, lots of weird things and well, am around 1% perfect – but that is what makes me human 😀 – and a question, is 1% perfect even possible???

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A Monstrous Post

What is a monster? Is it

a)  A big fuzzy cuddly bear which is reminiscent of Big Foot but misunderstood by society because of its size?

b)  A terrifying, vicious troll like creature which lives under your bed apparently?

c)   The inner turmoil one carries inside themself eventually becoming inexpressible?

d)  A cookie

Surprised I picked d)?

You really shouldn’t be if you know me well (Though am I quite partial to a) as well ever since seeing Monsters Inc ;))

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Happy National Peanut Butter Day 2012

I went on a blog once. I saw an ingredient commemoration day. And I was gone. Now I know that there is National Pancake Day, National S’mores Day, National Ice Cream MONTH!

A very cute idea that, being the patriotic food lover I am, I simply must assist in 😉

My secret, I mean, my normal peanut butter stash ;)

My secret, I mean, my normal peanut butter stash 😉

Now, obviously today is the day placing peanut butter on a pedestal – Here are some amazing peanut butter desserts which blow me away:

And more! Obviously I am a peanut butter obsessed little girl 😀 (but only in desserts or sandwiches… mmmmmm)

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Elvis Meets Oreo at the Bottom of a Black Cupcake

What was so great about Elvis? Was it his oozing charm or his gel oozing quiff? Was it the fact that he could waggle his hips probably better than a lot of girls? Was it his, um, radical dance moves? Was it his voice which was so deep and melodious, it still makes you to want to glide with it?

Yeah, I think the answer is all of the above. He was after all The King. Full stop, no questions asked. But another thing he was famous for, a very well known thing actually (especially amongst us foodies) was his love for a special sandwich.

To be precise (ahem, Thomson without a ‘p’), a very special sandwich.


A sandwich slathered in peanut butter, overflowing with sliced banana and crispy fried bacon before the whole sandwich itself  was fried again in hot butter on a pan or griddle. Sounds a little, um, out there but these days everything is. In those days, nothing was except Elvis and what Elvis did was made law so this sandwich now still bears his name today – nice one 😀

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