Tag Archives: seeds

Superfoods #3: Chia Seeds

Just a reminder, my newest giveaway is still running so if you haven’t entered already, go right ahead šŸ˜€


How lucky am I? A couple of days back, Justin fromĀ Cheap Super Foods Australia, contacted me, asking me to try some wonderful up and coming raw, organic ingredients from their huge range. As if I could turn down a huge opportunity like that! I know many bloggers, especially Vegan, focusing on all these new foods, so I knew I had plenty of inspiration to start making recipes.


But what are superfoods? Why is using them considered ā€˜superā€™ but using caster sugar, isnā€™t? We are not being ingredient-ist here, but the term ā€˜superfoodsā€™ means that particular ingredient has been classified asĀ ā€œFood with high nutrient andĀ phytochemical content that may confer health benefits. It has few negative properties if any, considering it is highly unprocessed (natural), does not contain contaminants, saturated fats, artificial ingredients or food additives.ā€ ā€“Ā Wikipedia

When I say ā€˜phytochemicalsā€™, I mean naturally occurring beneficial chemical compounds in plants, such as antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and polyphenol. I used this think anything ā€˜organicā€™ equated in some way, to marijuana and hippie food, tasting like dirt despite any ā€˜benefits.ā€™ Since I started food blogging, I have learnt a heck of a lot about all of it, and am glad to learn that is not the case! šŸ˜€


The wonderful folks fromĀ Cheap Super FoodsĀ sent me three different 250g samples:

  1. Cacao Powder
  2. Coconut Sugar
  3. Chia Seeds

Letā€™s begin making raw, organic, totally delicious desserts shall we?

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A Third Liebster + A Super Chewy, Super Tasty, Super Sugarless Treat

Firstly, I would like to say thank you for the support shown in regards to my last post. I feel much better now and know that there were a couple of slightly off points in that post. But you (and cheesecake) always make me feel better šŸ™‚
For now, it is touchwood and good thoughts all the way.

Secondly, I am very very very happy to announce that I have received a third Liebster Award šŸ˜€
This time from the wonderful Little Housewife – This lady is the epitome of perfection. All her posts make me want to devour the computer screen but I really doubt I would get the flavour of her wonderful baking that way. Kind, sweet and with a fantastic sense of humour, she is like a baking idol!

blog award
To see the rules of this award, you can go to my first award post – not because I am lazy but it is actually quite a bit to rewrite out and my copy and paste is a little hazy on my computer (I actually did not know a problem such as that was possible ;))


So here are 5 people I would like to recognise as winners in blogging šŸ˜€

  1. The Unorthodox Epicure – Funny, awesome and a brilliant chef – there is really nothing else to say when it comes this guy’s fabulous blog šŸ™‚
  2. Pasta Princess And More – I don’t know about you all, but ‘Pasta Princess’ is one of the coolest blog names I have ever heard šŸ˜€ – and on top of that, she can cook savoury and sweet to the boot!
  3. Simple Gluten Free Kitchen – Balvinder is one of the sweetest bloggers around – one of my first and top blogging friends, she is absolutely a delight and her recipes are truly made to fall in love with!
  4. Sunday Morning Banana Pancakes – Heather is one very talented chef – her ideas are unique and delicious and each time I visit her blog, she inspires me so much!
  5. Eliot’s Eats – I am not sure how many times I have sat and gone through the wonderful recipes on this blog – Sweet, savoury, delicious, more delicious – This wonderful couple make everything!

Congratulations to all you fantastic bloggers, it is much deserved šŸ™‚


Now this will be a short post with a recipe that I made myself. *Applause* *Applause* šŸ˜›

I was looking all over for a healthy muesli bar recipe. I was looking for something filled with nuts, oats and cereals which could fill me up while I was studying and keep me focused (are you not proud) – I researched brands initially but I can eat all those preservatives in store-bought pastry and be healthier! And looking around on the web, I was not interested in recipes containing 1/2 cups of brown sugar and butter. Emphasis on the healthy aspect. So I decided to make my own. And I am pretty happy.

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