Food Porn

This post is actually going to start off more depressing than the title would have you know, so just be warned. The title is actually referring to the beauteous… um… beauty… of this salty, buttery ice cream that reminds you of dipping popcorn into your soft serve at the movies.

OH YEAH BABY! Sorry did I just foodgasm too loud for polite society? 😛

It is creamy and delicious, with a lot of different ways of changing it up for an even more fun treat. Keep reading to see more 🙂

It’s my last week of holidays. Depression. Anxiety. Jokes, no anxiety. Just depression.

You would think four months would be enough but let’s be real here. It is SO not. Now somebody give me ten years off. Then maybe, we will talk.


That (and my horrendous food poisoning) is why I haven’t written in so long. I have been maximising my laziness and not moving from my bed. Literally there is a heart shaped imprint on my mattress from me sitting on it.

I would take a picture of it, but I think that is bordering on creepy. Just a little 😛

And yes, I have been stuck to my laptop and sketch pad 24/7 so I guess I could have blogged, but it would have felt too much like normal times. Plus I was just so lazy, it was a lot easier asking for food up in my room and splurging out on some many episodes of Jane the Virgin.


So yes, now, here I am, back into routine and *ugh* schedule since uni is starting on Monday. MONDAY! I guess a blogging schedule is a good thing really, in comparison to the work schedule to come. I am shuddering right now, more than any horror movie.

Oh dear god, just make me sleep now. Or at least give me a hundred tubs of ice cream to going.

No, wait make it a million.


Damn that won’t work because I don’t believe in god. Haha, maybe mum? Dad? Anyone? Someone act like a guardian angel already please 😀

How you people work 5 days a week with barely 2 days and NO holidays (and don’t tell me 4 weeks is enough, that is inhuman) is beyond me. I don’t think I will ever be ready to be an adult. But you know what? I can see that formulating as a whole other post. So I will let it go for now 😛


For now, enjoy this buttery sweet confection, and cry with me as uni begins again. Or cheer because you guys are uber optimistic and will probably remind me I will be seeing my friends and eating awesome uni food and all.

I’ll try to cheer up. Sigh. I will 😉

Also, I made this recipe before here, but that was so long ago, I am surprised I can remember it. Old age you know? 😛


*don’t hate me omg*

Enjoy 😀 xx


Popcorn Ice Cream

  • Servings: 4-6
  • Difficulty: medium
  • Print

Barely Adapted from: Almost Bourdain – I am linking it here because the original recipe no longer seems to appear


  • 300ml full cream milk
  • 300ml thickened cream
  • 200g caster sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 large egg
  • 200g buttered popcorn + extra to serve (make a new packet if you can’t stop eating it – I did #noshame #popcornobsesseeIMG_0620


  1. Heat the milk, cream, 100g sugar and popcorn on medium heat till it starts to simmer. Remove and let the popcorn sit and infuse into the warm milk for 30 minutes to 1 hour.IMG_0621
  2. Strain the mixture into a large bowl, pressing down hard on the popcorn to extract all the liquid and flavour (it is strong now, but will lessen as it goes through the churning and freezing process)IMG_0627
  3. Meanwhile, whisk the egg, remaining sugar and vanilla extract until light and fluffy.IMG_0625
  4. While whisking, pour the cream mixture into the egg mixture, then pour the whole mixture back into a clean saucepan (the day I can take a photo of this will be a milestone… or actually a kilometre stone)
  5. Over medium low heat, keep stirring the custard until it thickens to coat the back of a spoon (roughly 6-7 minutes)
  6. Pour into a steel bowl and let cool for 10 minutes.
  7. Place cling wrap over the top, so it touches the surface of the custard (to avoid a skin forming) and refrigerate for 3 hours to overnight.
  8. Remove from fridge and churn the ice cream according to the ice cream manufacturer’s instructions.
  9. Serve with more buttered popcorn on top and a sprinkling of sea salt (trust me.)


  • Obviously, serving it with caramel sauce makes it ‘caramel popcorn ice cream’ – be more creative and put freeze caramel ice cream with the popcorn ice cream with swirls of caramel running through both
  • Make ice cream variations of your favourite popcorn dishes – for example, snickers popcorn – add nuts, drizzles of chocolate and some extra salt 🙂
  • Possibilities are endless here people, be tons more creative – infuse caramel popcorn to begin with and go from there!
  • This infusing method works great – I also used it in my incredible cookies ‘n’ cream ice cream

Sorry for the shorter post lovely people, still getting back into the swing of things. Sigh. 😉

See you on the other side!

Go Bake Yourself

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  1. shenANNAgans says:

    I have been a bad friend…. You have been going through so much. Far out Uru… You poor little possum. I hope you’re all better now. 🙂

    This popcorn looks like Summer in a cup. #wantit Can’t wait to have a try, will have to get cracking, the warm ice cream eating days are limited me thinks. Giant hugs.


  2. You’re telling me – I think all weekends should be three day weekends. Two days off a week is simply barbaric! Though if I had some of your sweet popcorn ice-cream as a 3pm treat, it would make it a lot easier to get through the workday…


  3. I’m so sorry to hear about your bout with food poisoning. It’s horrible. I had it many years ago and landed in the hospital for a few days. You take care of yourself! And have more of this luscious popcorn ice cream. What a great flavor idea! Oh, and I’m at the other end of the work spectrum called retired. I worked 60 hours weeks for decades with little time off – but even though I really enjoyed my work, I can’t FATHOM doing that now. So I totally get it!!


  4. Wow! Hope you are feeling better! I bet the ice cream helped. 🙂 And work isn’t so bad because you start to see it as a way to achieve your goals, and if you’re a good planner and know yourself, hopefully you get to do something you love. Then it hardly seems like work at all!


  5. Juliana says:

    Wow, this is sure very creative Uru…ppopcorn in ice cream? Look fabulous, and yes, I would want more to top my ice cream!
    Hope you are enjoying your week 🙂


  6. You made icecream and that too with popcorn, that’s food porn..;). Looks so good my dear. Seriously…after the break is the worst thing. Sorry about the food poisoning, sucks.
    I really enjoy reading your posts, a great sense of humor. xoxo


  7. bec {daisy and the fox} says:

    You poor thing! Hope your feeling 100% better now 🙂
    and man o man this popcorn looks like the ultimate ‘gonna miss you summer’ treat – yuummmmmmm
    all the best for uni Uru! 🙂


  8. navane64 says:

    Wow, wow and more all the wows for this loveable ice-cream. I like it very much. In fact seriously considering replicating. Okay, I will also say cheer up – to uni, studying and for a bright future.


  9. First off, that ice cream looks amazing – Secondly, sorry to hear you’re so pooped and have had food poisoning. How can something we love so much hurt us?! Don’t worry, being an Adult is fun, the trick is to just be the way you always have been and eat lots of ice cream. Keep strong!


  10. This is such a fun and creative idea! Who wouldn’t want to try this?

    So sorry about your food poisoning. I’ve had that myself a couple times and it’s not fun at all. Hope you’re on the mend now.


  11. missemzyy says:

    Looks like the ultimate movie snack!! Thats terrible about getting food poisoning- I hope you are feeling much better now!! Oh and seriously I don’t know how you blog so often- Im trying to find the time!!


  12. Oh no, hope you are alright from that terrible food poisoning and getting some rest! This sweet fun treat will for sure make you feel better since it is so soothing and creamy. I think I need a bowl right now too…


  13. Tisa says:

    a very nice post, despite your ailment. I think this is fabulous. I was curious to see whether the popcorn was a topping or not. Quite an invention ! So glad to be here after such a while.


  14. I’ve never seen a recipe quite like this one! The idea of popcorn with ice cream is completely intriguing to me! Yum! I’m really sorry to hear that you’ve recently had food poisoning. That was not the way you intended to spend your last days of vacation so ill! I know it’s hard to go back to uni, but let me at least offer my hopes that you will settle in well! ox


  15. thehungrymum says:

    hope you survived your first day back at uni 🙂 If you had a rough day I’d recommend a kilo or two of this insanely fab ice-cream. I love popcorn so much I named my doggy after it 🙂


  16. hotlyspiced says:

    Sorry to hear about the food poisoning! And I’m sorry the holidays have been and gone. Good luck with your new year at uni. I do love the look of your popcorn ice cream! xx


  17. swathi says:

    Your school week will going to fine, don’t worry. Enjoy your holidays as much as possible. You are so creative love to try this popcorn ice cream. Delicious.


  18. eliotthecat says:

    Hope you’re feeling better and I understand the lazy factor all too well! This is a great flavor combo and great idea. You’re a genius…so much so that I am sure you won’t have any problem getting back into the swing of things.


  19. I know where you’re coming from, Uru, and so sorry to hear that you’re going through a rough patch. Here’s hoping it’s only sweetness and light in your future from here on in… Great start with that luscious ice cream, at least. 🙂


  20. Oh dear, that explains why we missed your posts…glad you’ve recovered now. Take care! BTW, that popcorn ice cream is awakening the child in us 😀

    Julie & Alesah
    Gourmet Getaways xx


  21. My Kitchen Stories says:

    Always a great flavour combination and ice cream is always welcome on a sore tummy. Adult hood is hurtling towards you URU!!


  22. Sometimes I do enjoy having breaks and being a professional student 😀 sorry your holidays are ending, though! That’s always a tough period. Guess you need some of this AWESOME say whatttt popcorn ice cream to cheer yourself up, yeah?!


  23. Jennifer says:

    Uri, it has been so long since I have seen a post from you, but that may be my fault! I love your blog! If you love what you do it really won’t be a job, it will be a life long adventure. Get that passport ready! Stay well and many blessings to you.


  24. Louise says:

    Food Poisoning OMGoodness, Uru! I hope you are feeling better! How scary…

    Popcorn Ice Cream would make any belly feel better, yes I said belly…hope yours is…

    Thanks for sharing, Uru…


  25. A_Boleyn says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about the food poisoning. That’s so miserable especially for an enthusiastic food blogger like you. I’ve never thought of flavouring ice cream with buttery popcorn but I’m sure it’s tasty.


  26. kitchenriffs says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever had popcorn ice cream. Fun idea! Must try. And Maureen is right — growing up really is highly overrated. Which is why I’ve never done it. 😉


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