Tag Archives: bars

Guest Post #3: Peanut Butter Banana S’mores Bars

So my friends, once more my exams have come but at least instead of lasting 3 weeks, they are only lasting a week 😀 

In order to have some preparation time and all that, I would like you all to give a warm welcome to some stunning guest posts ranging from sweet to savoury (or should I say savoury to sweet) with a little surprise in the middle for you all!

As always, see you all on the other side mes cheris!

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Ok guys, so today I want you to meet Ace… sorry oops, that is just how I have started thinking of her in my head. Meet Jennie from The Messy Baker! Why do I think of Jennie as Ace? Well, if you have visited her blog before, I suppose I won’t have to explain a single thing 😀 Continue reading

Happy Early Birthday JJ! (Traditions of March #3)

Dear JJ,

Hi 🙂

How you feeling? Older, wrinklier or wiser? No? Just 16 yrs? Not different? Good stuff.

So I hear you are going to have a great day tomorrow. Are you upset I posted early? I just wanted to send you to bed hungry 😀

JJ, I just want to say to HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

cheesecake 11Out of the 4 years I have now known you (a lifetime right?) we have gone through so much together *sniff* – netball tryouts at school, dancing, parties, formal, even ‘sleepovers’ where you look like me to certain people (:P) and our shunning because of loving pineapple lumps!

You make life so positive and upbeat dude – I am not kidding, with your older-sister attitude 😛
Though let me clarify, you are so totally younger than me 😉

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First Attempts

Today was my first attempt at making brown butter. It was successful. I was proud. The berry bars turned out great. I was uber proud. But it also got me thinking of first attempts in general.


They are big things, moments in life which you do and don’t want to forget depending on circumstance. My first attempt at essay writing – little bit of fail there. BUT my first attempt at swimming. Successful (I know, I was so young but when I got into that water, it really wasn’t scary and it was ok – but just to make it clear swimming/sport – except netball – is not really my thing).

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