Vanilla Maple Caramel Popcorn: My Guest Post

Good morning, afternoon, evening, twilight to all!

No matter which country, which culture, there is one thing that connects the human race. Our love of movies.

Honestly, can you tell me you don’t enjoy flopping down, shutting the doors on your phone and email before having a garbage can’s worth of popcorn while sniffing into tissues in front of a nice big screen? No? I really didn’t think so 😀

Well then, today is a very important post for you.

As Aristotle said, “Education is the best provision for old age”. Everyone listens to the Greek elders traipsing around half naked with long beards in togas 😉 so I think you really need to learn what I am about to teach you today.

How. To. Watch. A. Movie.

Hold on, I will say it slowly again so you can grasp it.

How. To. Watch. A. Movie.

Got it? Good. I mean, as Aristotle puts it, god knows what you will be doing as a 105 year old if I do not teach you this necessary life skill 😛

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To discover further, you may head on to a very close blogging buddy of mine, Sayantani at Food Lovers Club to check out your lesson in education of inestimable value AND an added bonus – A recipe for VANILLA MAPLE CARAMEL NUT POPCORN 😀

In other less convoluted words, I am guest posting at Sayantani’s amazing food blog so be sure to check it out 😀 – If you have never visited this special friend of mine, you are sorely missing out, considering Sayantani is gifted with her hands when it comes to cooking, baking, everything 🙂
While you’re there, why not take a gander at her recipes – I promise she does NOT disappoint 🙂


I would also like to thank a few people from whom I have received awards during this week 🙂

Firstly, Kelli over at The Domestically Impaired Guide to the Retro Kitchen Arts was so kind as to present me with the Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you very much my friend 🙂
Kelli is a fairy godmother – she gives old worn wooden chairs a Cinderella makeover with a swish of her, um, hands and voila. A chair fit for a king 😀

Second, Katja over at Katja’s Kitchen also presented me with the Versatile Blogger Award – too sweet, thanks my friend 😀
If you have not already done so, I think you should pay a very long visit to her kitchen, which I visited literally rather than virtually, would be absolutely empty 😉

The rules of this award are simple

  • Thank and link back to the bloggers who nominated you
  • Tell 7 things about yourself
  • Nominate 15 bloggers and let them know 🙂

Ok so 7 things? I will soon be up to revealing my deep and dark secrets 😉

  1. I am an expert movie watcher (if you check out the guest post, you will agree too ;))
  2. I am a morning person – I usually wake up 5-5:30 in the morning because I simply cannot wake up later…
  3. I am desperate for Sherlock Series 3 to come out a little earlier! (like maybe next week, despite the fact they start filming next year…)
  4. A lot of you know I am vegetarian but I have never actually tried meat in my 16 1/2 years of life, not even by accident 🙂
  5. I am a rollercoaster, fast rides, upside down fanatic and do not feel the need to vomit no matter how many rounds I do!
  6. I detest pretzel M&Ms (I have never understood how you can like them though the world seems to be in love!)
  7. I lost my most loved soft toy as a little girl stopping over in London (looks like I am long overdue to go back and find it ;))

And my nominees are *drum roll*

  1. Jaime @ Jaim’s Kitchen
  2. Mandy @ The Complete Cookbook
  3. Charlie @ Hotly Spiced
  4. Eva @ Kitchen Inspirations
  5. Björg @ A Solo Singer In America
  6. Karen @ Back Road Journal
  7. Cake With Love
  8. A_Boleyn
  9. Inger @ Art Of Natural Living
  10. Nicole @ Dining With A Stud
  11. Anne @ From My Sweet Heart
  12. Preena @ A Teaspoon Of Turmeric
  13. Anne @ Anne Sture Trucker
  14. Justine @ Life With Cheeseburgers
  15. Tandy @ Tandy Sinclair

Congrats to you all 😀

Third,  a dear blogger, Maggie from Kitchie Coo awarded me my first ever Happy Blogger Award – thank you so much! Maggie has such a wonderful home cooking style and awesome tips on how to keep your kitchen on fire (note: not literally ;))
Ordinarily, you pass this award on to 10 more people, but since I have already nominated 15 above, I will only be nominating 5 more 🙂

Congrats to these bloggers:

Finally, only yesterday, Viveka blogging at My Guilty Pleasures tagged me with The Adurna Blue Best Follower Award! I just think this is such a kind way to appreciate blogger commenting and support 🙂 – Thanks V, your blog has such a humorous and personal style, I love reading it!

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I will not be passing this on to anyone but EVERYone! You all are always so sweet and appreciative of my posts and I want to send out to you all so from here on, you are ALL awarded with the Adurna Blue Best Follower Award 🙂


Of course, I did not forget about my beloved chocolate post of the day, considering even my guest post is not chocolate (don’t worry it will be coming soon!). Today I am featuring Ruthanne of Easy Baked. She made some New Zealand style chocolate cookies and I fell head over heels. Hard. In love. Can you blame me?

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What a chocolate genius!


What are you still doing here? You are going to be late for your movie lesson (and a recipe for VANILLA MAPLE CARAMEL NUT POPCORN) over at Sayantani’s awesome blog, Food Lovers Club. Go! 😉

And have a very good week and weekend too!

Blog Sig



  1. Pingback: Food Porn | Go Bake Yourself

  2. Pingback: The Versatile Blogger Award – take seven! | Lavender and Lime

  3. Pingback: Rich Berry Cherry Chocolate Cheesecake: A Guest Post « Go Bake Yourself

  4. Pingback: The Revenge Of The… Chocolate « Go Bake Yourself

  5. I’m just catching up on blog reading after a crazy few weeks.. I needed a CCU fix and you came through:) Everything I love is here, chocolate, a great popcorn recipe.. new blogs to explore! Congratulations on your awards!! xoxo Smidge


    • Welcome back from your wonderful concert time 😀
      I’m so glad you enjoyed this fix my friend – a little of everything is how life should be lived no? 😉
      Thank you very much!

      Choc Chip Uru


  6. Pingback: You are a Happy Blogger! | foodtable // la vie éclectique

  7. Pingback: Peculiar-But-Cool Habits « Go Bake Yourself

  8. Sammie says:

    Holy moly!! Excuse my language. lol. I have been IN LOOOOOVE with Caramel popcorn even before I learned to say “popcorn” and these are definitely a must-try! I grew up in Asia where cinemas sell both sweet and salty popcorn. However, I’ve never been a fan of the salty popcorn and it’s quite unfortunate that North America cinemas only sell salty popcorn! 😦 But yes!! Totally game for caramel!!


    • Haha I don’t believe there is any language to excuse 😉
      You are like my long lost sister I swear – always preferring sweet popcorn to salty for such a long time!
      Looks like now you can beat those unfair American cinemas and bring your caramel popcorn everywhere 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


  9. Jasline says:

    I don’t usually eat things while watching movies, but your popcorn looks absolutely delicious! And I love the Sherlock Series too, it is so good! And I am amazed by how you wake up so early in the morning, I always have to struggle to get up! Have a lovely weekend ahead! 🙂


  10. Congrats on your awards and thank you so much for extending the Versatile Blogger award to me! I will be posting on that shortly. The Caramel Corn looks great–I will have to try that with drive in movie season coming up!


    • Thank you my friend – and it was a well deserved pleasure to give you this award!
      Glad you enjoyed this popcorn as well (though trust me you do not need a movie to eat it ;))

      Choc Chip Uru


  11. Joanne says:

    This is definitely not your every day popcorn! I am loving the flavors on this! I’d order an extra large if they sold this in theaters and would devour the whole batch. Singlehandedly.


  12. Kristy says:

    Congrats on all of the well-deserved rewards! 🙂 And you’re right – what’s better than a good movie night. Looking forward to one this weekend in fact. 🙂


  13. Soni says:

    Wow those sure look delicious!!Congratulations on so many awards U and was great fun to learn some more things about you :)Heading over to check out your guest post!!


    • Thank you so much 😀
      And I am thrilled to have you as a follower my friend – I hope you enjoy a very sweet time 😉
      Without a doubt I will be paying you a visit!

      Choc Chip Uru


  14. Pingback: Blog Awards | Cake with Love

  15. I’m sure my girls would thank you for this recipe if they could! It seems I’m always making popcorn to go along with their Barbie and Disney movies. This recipe would be a nice change of pace. You’ve highlighted some of my favourite blogs — all well deserving of awards!


    • Haha I accept that thanks on their behalf and it was a pleasure 🙂
      Disney and popcorn are made for each other – your girls have great taste obviously my friend! I hope you and your family enjoy them together!
      Glad to hear that, hope you enjoy all the links 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


  16. Tisa says:

    Very cute Uru! Congratulations- you deserve all those awards, missy! We are movie buffs and love bucket loads of popcorn. I will be making this for the next filck night- which may be tomorrow!


  17. Lisa at fLVE says:

    oh my, i don’t know which i will eat first, the caramel popcorn or the chocolate cookies. they both look super yummy. i may have to eat both. ha ha. and thank you for the happy award. 🙂


    • Haha I think eating them both together is an awesome idea! Can’t you imagine a cookie, some ice cream, some popcorn, another cookie sandwich?
      And you are more than welcome 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


      • Lisa at fLVE says:

        Oh my goodness! Lol – i nervous eat sometimes, so that can totally happen. Have a good weekend. I am glad work’s over for now, i had a bad day but it will get better.


    • Haha I guess in this case, it is a good thing then 😉
      I hope you have a wonderful weekend – i am sure it is just what you need to break out of those work blues my friend – keep smiling and eating ice cream 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  18. I just purchased some popcorn yesterday. Perfect timing since my husband is doing a biking event this weekend and I know he’ll be too tired to go out on Saturday. This recipe will be a nice treat for him to have after coming home. I can’t wait to try it.


    • You are so thoughtful – I am sure you and your husband will enjoy it 🙂
      Best of luck at the biking event and was your buying popcorn coincidence or fate? 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


  19. Kimby says:

    It was a pleasure reading your movie-watching “how to” in your guest post — so TRUE! I am a firm believer in the “off” button (on the phone, not the TV!) Congratulations on your well-deserved awards 🙂 and thank you for bestowing the Best Follower Award to everyone! It’s fun getting to know you even better via your “things about me” info… really a delight! 🙂


  20. ceciliag says:

    You do not eat meat and I do not eat popcorn. What does that make me. A POPatarian. Though of course i watch movies. Love movies. What a lot of links you have here, you are a very busy girl doing lots of sharing.. wonderful.. c


    • Haha a popatarian – I respect it when people do not try to make me eat meat so I will not try to make you eat popcorn 😉
      At least you are a movie fan 😀
      Thank you my friend, I hope you enjoy them all!

      Choc Chip Uru


  21. Veronica says:

    I contend there is at least one more thing that connects the human race: our love for food. Glad you combined our two loves with this popcorn! I don’t like pretzel M&M’s either. I thought it would be greatness. Nope. And I’m a night person–I usually go to bed at the time you’re waking up-lol! But maybe with our different time zones, we’re almost awake at the same time. 😉


    • You are so right about that 😀
      Food and movies – why do humans fight when we have both!
      Nice to hear you are also not a fan of those M&Ms 😛
      Lols I can totally imagine that – I actually bet we are awake at the same time 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  22. Deeps @ Naughty Curry says:

    caramel popcorn is what i always buy at theatres, its my all time fav flavour! cant wait to see how its made 🙂 congrats on the awards… u wake up at 5? everyday! thats like an unearthly hour fr me haha


    • Mmm caramel popcorn is definitely my favourite as well 😀
      Enjoy the home version!
      Thank you my friend – and yes, I know, I feel like a vampire reading when it is still pitch black outside 😛

      Choc Chip Uru


  23. Uru…I can totally get lost in a movie! Especially if I had your popcorn in one hand and a chocolate cookie in the other! Both look so amazing! Congrats on your many awards! They don’t surprise me in the least! You are such a talented writer and baker! And thank you so much for passing the Versatile Blogger along to me! I am so flattered to be recognized by a fellow baking fanatic! Heading over to check out your wonderful guest post! : )


    • Mmmm, I like sound of your movie plans!
      I am so happy you liked this recipe and I bet Easy Baked appreciates it as well 🙂
      Thank you very much my friend for so many kind words – It is a pleasure to pass on the award to someone as talented as you 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  24. Ramona says:

    Movies and popcorn… you’re my kind of girl. 🙂 Looking forward to checking out your blog post. Congratulations on all the well deserved awards!!


  25. cookingactress says:

    I would like some of that popcorn. Like…immediately. And I will watch movies however I need to to get some!


    • Thank you on both counts my friend – and I think, being the perfect snack, you can choose whichever movie you want (though I find romantic sad movies make me eat more which would be a good thing :P)

      Choc Chip Uru


  26. A_Boleyn says:

    Home made caramel popcorn is the BEST way to watch a movie. You brought back memories of boxes of Cracker Jack’s popcorn and dark Saturday afternoons with your post.

    Thank you for the nomination for Versatile Blogger. I have so much respect for the time and effort REAL bloggers devote to their bloggers that I can’t consider my LJ posts in the same category so I’ll just humbly acknowledge your nomination but decline participating … all my potential nominees are already overwhelmed with awards and probably have little free time to participate … they’re too busy cooking/posting recipes for ME and their other subscribers to drool over. 🙂

    Thank you again for considering me.


    • Haha thanks for sharing those memories – I agree, caramel popcorn is unbeatable! 😀
      I completely understand my friend, it is of course your choice – just know that you do deserve these titles 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  27. Cute popcorn box! Looks perfect for a batch of maple corn! Big congrats on your awards once again! I Loved reading those fun facts (and envy) that you’re a morning gal! I wish I could be. I’ve never heard of pretzel m&m’s but will take your word for it, lol 🙂

    Those Choccy biccies look insanely good by the way!


    • The popcorn box is definitely one of my favourites 😀
      Thank you very much! I promise nothing to envy about not being abe to sleep in – what I wouldn’t give to wake up at 9am 😉
      And trust me on the pretzel M&Ms for the sake of your tastebuds 😛
      I agree with you my friend, those chocolate cookies had my head spinning!

      Choc Chip Uru


  28. Congrats on more awards!
    And thanks for sharing those sweet recipes. 🙂
    As I’ve grown older I’ve become a morning person and get up at 5:30 am often now — something I never would have imagined when in my youth. Maybe when you get older, you’ll switch and become a night person?? 🙂


    • Thank you very much my friend oon both counts!
      Haha maybe I will become a nightie/vampire – who knows but judging by your experience, it totally could happen 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


  29. Food Stories says:

    Can’t wait to learn how to watch a movie. Hope I haven’t been doing it wrong all along 🙂

    By the way, the link to your guest post at the bottom of your post is not working so you may want to check it out. Peace Out.


  30. Awesome guest post, girl! It was fun reading it! But let me tell you that I don’t need your movie watching rules…cause I don’t need to watch a movie just to enjoy your delicious Vanilla Maple Caramel Nut Popcorn! I would love munching on it all day! LOL


    • Thank you 😀
      I am so glad you enjoyed it and I suppose you’re right – I am guilty of eating this popcorn *shudder* while reading a book! 😉
      Glad you liked it so much 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  31. Yay on gues posting. Will be sure to head on over and take a peek. Is that Sky remote I spy too?

    Also, a HUGE thank you for nominating me for the happy blogger award. I’m seriously speechless and honoured. Thank you hunni!


  32. Eva Taylor says:

    Thank you kindly CCU for the Versatile Blogger award, that is so very kind of you. I must tell you a story of “Bear” — a small white bear who travelled with us as a married couple when ever we went on holiday. We were in Chateau Whistler, in British Columbia, and poor white bear must have gotten mixed up in the white sheets and sent down to the laundry. I left a note for house keeping hoping that they would find ‘Bear’. When we returned to our room that evening, the Manager of house keeping left me a note beside “Bear” (and I’m going by memory because it happened over 20 years ago!).
    Dear Mrs. Taylor,
    We caught “Bear” running down the hall this afternoon. We coaxed him to come with us and gave him milk and cookies. We have returned “Bear” to your safe keeping.
    I hope I don’t ever forget this cute little story.
    That popcorn is darn dangerous! Bookmarking for a later date when I can consume the entire lot in one sitting (don’t think I can’t!)
    Have a wonderful day.


    • It was my pleasure 🙂
      And your story had me grinning so hard trying to imagine a little girl scolding her beaar for running away but not bringing any milk and cookies for her – thank you for sharing 😀
      Too adorable to forget!!
      Thanks for enjoying the popcorn – dangerous does not even come close to describing its addictivity! Hope you like it in your one… I mean.. many sittings 😉
      Have a great week!

      Choc Chip Uru


    • OMG your BF is so overdue for a lesson 😛
      Thanks for enjoying my friend and best of luck in bringing him into the light,,, bribe him with this popcorn 😉

      Choc Chip Uru


  33. When I saw the title I knew I dared not read about the Maple Caramel Popcorn before breakfast because I’d end up making it for breakfast! Now I’m off to check it out. Congratulations on the slew of awards!


    • Haha I certainly would not have blamed you believe me! Seems like before cereal I was having a um small bowl of popcorn 😉
      I hope you enjoy this treat and thank you 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


  34. Thank you for the Vanilla Maple Caramel popcorn – all my favourite flavours in one go – and in popcorn which I love. I remember making it with my kids many years ago but it only had caramel then. The children loved the crazy noise of the corn popping against the pan lid!

    Thank you for the memories and for the recipe _ I have checked out your guest blog.

    Congrats on the Awards too, hugely well deserved!

    Happy days my friend 🙂


  35. suzisoutlook says:

    Congrats to you on all your waward, well deserved. This is a fun sweet treat bolg. Heading over to check out your popcorn post, if it has caramel I am making it and I do plan on laying around watching old movies later eating caramel pop corn, LOL.


  36. Micha says:

    Congrats on the awards my friend! Well deserved indeed. I’m heading over to check out your guest post now…and see if I’ve been watching movies all wrong! haha


  37. I’m a morning person, too. Sleeping past 6 or 6:30 is usually not possible. It’s like we’re long lost sisters! Ooooooh…you like rollercoasters? Nevermind about being related.


  38. hotlyspiced says:

    Congrats on all your awards and for being asked to do a guest post. I love caramel popcorn and yes, it’s essential to have a huge bowl of it to enjoy with a movie. It just lifts the experience. And thanks so much for awarding Hotly Spiced the Versatile Blogger Award – that is so kind of you. And now I’ll have to check out your guest post and all the blogs you’ve nominated. Have a great week xx


    • Thank you 😀
      I am glad you see the movie experience my way my friend! And it was a pleasure to nominate you, much deserving!
      Have a wonderful upcoming weekend 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  39. navane64 says:

    You know for me, its about finding out about a movie first before I get down to either going to the theatre or getting the cd to watch at home. In this way, I sort of am prepared to enjoy the movie and of course, the popcorns of yours will be splendid to be munched on to.


    • That is actually a good thought – we tend to do that as well 😀
      And I am glad you envision yourself munching on this popcorn while enjoying my friend 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  40. viveka says:

    Thank you so much for my award – a cute little logo to brighten up me profile … big pop corn fan .. but could I have them with salt only. Thanks for bringing color to my Wednesday.


    • Haha it is quite cute no? My pleasure to award it to you 🙂
      And I know how some people are not into fancy popcorn but if this helps, these are a great salty sweet mix 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


  41. Ambreen says:

    Caramel popcorn looks really irresistible. Congratulations on all your well-deserved awards! You are doing a great job at such a young age! Chocolate cookies look divine too!


  42. I absolutely love caramel popcorn or any type popcorn except plain! Congrats on the awards and I learned lots of things about you. You are the same age as my daughter…What! Well you are quite an accomplished blogger and cook. Keep up the fun and yummy recipes and now I feel like watching a movie.


    • This popcorn is definitely made for you then 😀
      Thank you so much for so many kind words my friend 🙂
      And I think if the urge to watch a movie calls, go for it!

      Choc Chip Uru


    • The Mom Chef says:

      Seriously? You’ve never even TRIED meat? Wow. I guess if you don’t try it, you don’t know what you’re missing. I love caramel corn and I love movies. I’m headed over to see if you watch them properly. 😉


      • Haha that is what everyone says 😛 – but thats fine with me 🙂
        And I am sure you can, but its always good to check right? 😉
        Glad you are a caramel popcorn lover too!

        Choc Chip Uru


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