Tag Archives: toffee

Welcome 2015!

Another year down, another year past, another year done and dusted. Congrats everyone 😀

In the words of the immortal Queen ‘another one bites the dust’. And you ALL came out on top 😉

I probably going to sound like your parents when I say this, but this year seems to have gone by quicker than the past! I swear, it is incredible! Personally, I felt like I was a newbie at uni, and WHOOSH.

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Guest Post: My Inner Chick

Hi lovelies! Guess what? I just finished my first exam! And I am not going to think about it and cry/hysterically laugh! Instead, I am going to put all my energy into trying to mentally take this amazing recipe out of my computer screen for a late night of eating and movies 😛

I mean… study for my next exams… obviously… *oops*

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Who do I have on Go Bake Yourself today? You may not really be wondering considering the title, but still, dramatic effect has to count for something no?

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Guest Post: Frugal Hausfrau

Bonjour tout le monde! Today, we commence with the first guest post and as you can tell, OH MY GOD, they are going to be good. They are going to be soooo good! 😀

While I slave away at not a stove, but at my books (jokes, I will pretend to), I would like to, without further ado, welcome our first guest poster on Go Bake Yourself (fireworks go off, slow motion clapping everywhere!) – One of fabulous blogger mates, have you ever met The Frugal Hausfrau?

Spunky as can be, with magic sparks coming out of her hand when she touches a whisk, I think you had better start reading all about her impromptu virtual trip down under no? You’ll love it, especially when you start to (if already haven’t) salivate over all dem photos!

It’s high time I disappear now… so enjoy!!! 😀

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Vanilla Maple Caramel Popcorn: My Guest Post

Good morning, afternoon, evening, twilight to all!

No matter which country, which culture, there is one thing that connects the human race. Our love of movies.

Honestly, can you tell me you don’t enjoy flopping down, shutting the doors on your phone and email before having a garbage can’s worth of popcorn while sniffing into tissues in front of a nice big screen? No? I really didn’t think so 😀

Well then, today is a very important post for you.

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