Tag Archives: maple

CCU Undercover: Moo Gourmet Burgers

After the last classy, sophisticated walk through the sands, CCU needed a break. She came home that night to a dimly lit apartment, her stomach full and her food heart (yes, she has two hearts, one for loving food and one for loving people) content.

She kicked off her high heels, wishing for ugg boots and jeans on her next outing. ‘Who needs evening dresses?’ she thought to herself, though deep down it was her exhaustion speaking.

Slumped, she fell asleep only to dream of the most perfect burger. Soft, fluffy with a filling so fresh, McDonald’s could legitimately be sued.
And now she shares her quest of finding and enjoying this dream burger with you all in another:

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Virtual Vegan Potluck Finally Here

What is a vegan? We all know the basics of this right? No eggs, no dairy, don’t wear silk and love raw cookie dough balls. Didn’t know the last one? Well now you do 😀

Veganism is truly defined as: “The practice of abstinence from using animal products” – I used to think every vegan in the world was a saint. I am not even kidding you. After all, how could one manage to live in harmony without chocolate, ice cream and fluffy sponges which need eggs?

Now, after starting blogging, I met many a vegan blogger. And yes, while these guys are still saints, I learnt from them that they enjoy life just as much as us vegetarians and omnivores 😉

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Vanilla Maple Caramel Popcorn: My Guest Post

Good morning, afternoon, evening, twilight to all!

No matter which country, which culture, there is one thing that connects the human race. Our love of movies.

Honestly, can you tell me you don’t enjoy flopping down, shutting the doors on your phone and email before having a garbage can’s worth of popcorn while sniffing into tissues in front of a nice big screen? No? I really didn’t think so 😀

Well then, today is a very important post for you.

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