
As if this ‘word’ needed to be made any longer!


But like ‘cubism’ or ‘realism’ or ‘impressionism’ or any of the ‘-isms’ which my English teacher seems to believe applies to every English word in the dictionary (humanism, beliefism, train-trackism – whatever, the context, believe you me there will be an –ism in there!), I decided that one of the most famous words in the history of English should really join the party. And thus…

Supercalafragalisticexpialadoshusism was born. 🙂


There are some concepts in this world which have a supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus-ity about them.

What I mean when I use this convoluted but very catchy word is that there are concepts which are hit-you-in-the-head-with-a-brick painful.

They are so warped, so twisted, such a stretch of the imagination, that you feel like your brain is being

a)   Pulled apart by 4 horses

b)   Put on the rack and stretched

c)   Turned into a slinky with all the information falling out of the gaps


Hmmm… I suppose an example of such a concept would be the whole, does a tree make sound by falling in a forest if no one is around to hear it?

What are you saying? That noise is relative? That it does not truly exist and it is our own human interpretation? That the whole ‘sound waves travelling’ jazz is only for living organisms, and in reality, there is no noise? Each animal has a different interpretation of a noise? Is it our brains messing with us? Is the Earth silent?


Why would you ask that question if scientists have toiled endlessly to prove sound exists outside of our minds!?

Hurts? Yes, yes it does. Can you not feel me hyperventilating through the screen?

And do not even get me started on Schrödinger and his cat in a box because that brings in quantum physics and *mild word used here*, stuff like that and honestly, if anything will fall under supercalafragilisticexpialadoshusism, it is physics!

Just to leave you on a note which is more than slightly atrocious, did you know scientists are currently investigating the theory that our universe could be potentially located in the middle of two other universes?

Let me go all twitter on you for a minute.


Damn you astrophysicists.

200px-Rajesh_KoothrappaliTo deal with the new concept of supercala – ok you know what, I will just copy and paste it, supercalafragilisticexpialadoshusism (so much easier) I think we all need a treat. Comfort food, stuff-your-face-into-a-bowl-because-the-world-is-too-scary treats!

And I have just the perfect recipe for you. Enter pound cake. Pound Cake. The most perfectly moist and buttery, dense but delicious pound cake in the history of pound cakes. Whoever invented the pound cake would get a kick out of eating this recipe.


Oh and guys… add some Nutella to that 😉

Supercala- what?

Yeah, it made me forget too 🙂

Printable Recipe!  – Since some people asked, I have decided to attach a word document sans photos with the exact recipe for you all 😀 – To print, simply click the link, and it should automatically ask you or download to your documents – If you could just vote for a minute to help me make it easier for you, that would be great!

Double Swirled Nutella Pound Cake
Source: Mastering The Art Of Baking (my changes are in bold)

Serves: 8 (or one…)


  • 185g butter, softened (I used salted)
  • ½ cup caster sugar
  • ¼ cup brown sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • ½ tsp orange/lemon zest
  • 3 eggs, room temperature
  • 100g plain flour
  • 75g SRF (self raising flour)
  • 1 tsp allspice
  • 60ml full cream milk
  • One jar Nutella (full preferably)
  • Icing sugar to dust, optional


  1. Preheat oven to 180 160 degrees C. Grease an 8x19cm bar tin (loaf tin) with melted butter (margarine) and line with baking paper, extending over the sides – If you forget to line like me, do not sweat, as soon as the cake comes out of the oven, continuously run a skewer or sharp knife around the edges to keep it from sticking and pray you greased the bottom really well
  2. Use an electric mixer to beat butter, sugars, zest and vanilla together in a large bowl until pale and creamy
  3. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition
  4. Sift the flours and spice into another bowl and using a wooden spoon, fold into the butter mixture, alternating with the milk (half batter, half milk etc.)
  5. Combine till smooth but do not over-mix
  6. Spoon ½ the mixture into the tin, smooth it and then plop in generous spoonfuls of Nutella (warm the Nutella up beforehand if not a little runny)
  7. Using a skewer, delicately swirl the Nutella through the cake

  8. Spoon the other half of the cake batter on top and smooth it, and repeat swirling motion with fresh Nutella on top
  9. Bake the cake for 45-50 minutes or until a skewer inserted comes out clean
  10. Leave the cake in the tin for 10 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack to cool
  11. Dust with icing sugar and serve 🙂

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  1. Rajesh !!!! Ohhh yeah !
    Well, can I say that this nutella marble is making me hungry ? feeling like I am in a starvation since 2 years ? I love it. Moooommmm, please, go to the grocery shop and buy me some Nutella ! I NEED IT RIGHT NOW !


  2. Meenakshi says:

    Oh this is gorgeous, Uru! I love the swirls of Nutella and the gorgeous marbling. Pound cakes are the best! More butter and maragarine makes everything better.And I appreciate the new downloadable recipe links!


  3. Georgia says:

    Let me get this straight for a second… swirled a WHOLE JAR of Nutella in a pound cake?! 400g – aka nearly a pound – of gorgeous nutty chocolateyness (I invented a word too!) in a pound cake?! I think I love you! 🙂 Supercala-yum!


  4. Zoe says:

    Supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus-ism! ???… LOL! You are so creative with your writing and baking. I realised that you are truly a great fan of chocolate. It seems that everything that you baked has chocolate 😀


  5. Uru, you made me laugh and made my brain hurt with this post (gah, physics!). Pound cake is already decadent, rich and delicious – you just multiplied its awesomeness by adding Nutella. I’m eating a brownie while writing this comment and I STILL want a giant slice of this loaf!


  6. petit4chocolatier says:

    Love your writing and did not know that there was a study on the universe right now!! I love it all! I also love this pound cake. Looks delicious my dear! I wish there was a button that you can taste. I have to tell you that the picture of the Nutella and spoon is scrumptious. I want to run out and buy a jar now!


  7. Amy Tong says:

    hahaha…you got me cracking up left and right. I truly love your post. Now, I need a jar of Nutella with a spoon! Or, at least a slice of your Nutella Pound cake? Pretty, please?


  8. Gina says:

    Maybe you should have broken that super long word down into 2 more loveable words such as “eat me”. I think that is what your loaf is really saying, lol.


  9. jlaceda says:

    Dang! This is one good loaf!!! I think I will make this for a niece’s birthday party next weekend! I’ll look like a rock star if I bring this!!! I’m printing the recipe now….

    By the way, I had a teacher who put -ion on everything. The gentrification and domination of the nation that will cause a profusion of economic combustion… 🙂 Have a good day, my friend!


  10. mjskit says:

    You’re so funny! Astrophysics, physics, nanoscience – it all makes my head swim but I do like studying it. 🙂 I was wondering how you got that beautiful swirl in your cake. So cool and so delicious!


  11. Saguna says:

    Marbled cake, mmmm. I cracked up with all the isms- and I still don’t understand Shroedinger’s cat in the box. Never makes sense to me, but then again I am sort of science- and maths-challenged!


  12. navane64 says:

    I will stay away from confusing and big words. I prefer simply words most people out there can understand. Yet I will not stay away from this lovely cake. Nice contrast of two colors and this is so good, comfy and smooth.


  13. I am SO doing this! I love pound cake and the last time I had some at the house, I spread some of my new-found-love Nutella ON it instead of peanut butter and it was wonderful! Why not have it IN it!?!? Yep – gonna’ make it soon!


  14. Kim Bultman says:

    Uru, your marbelized pound cake is supercala…icious! I loved your deep thinking musings in this post (or perhaps rebelling against deep thinking musings, tee hee), but then my mind is like that…! I do have to tell you, though, that there IS a use for physics outside of school — makes for killer shots when playing pool. 😉


  15. Balvinder says:

    When your email reached my inbox, I was like, What is this post about? This word is going above my head but not your double swirled nutella pound cake. It is super cool!


  16. Ahahahha I love it! I approve of your usage of the word, and your usage of a photo of Raj 😛 This pound cake def. looks like the most moist, most delicious pound cake I have ever seen!


  17. Omgosh… you are too funny. You made my brain work hard this morning keeping up with your post. Thank goodness I can still understand delicious food when see it… and this cake is seriously delicious.


  18. A_Boleyn says:

    Actually, I get Schroedinger’s cat (as brilliantly explained by Sheldon to Penny) while I don’t get the tree falling in the woods at all. 🙂 Similarly, I don’t get the Nutella obsession. (Strange, I know.) Maybe something with chocolate instead cause this loaf needs to be made and tasted.


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