Think Of The Positives

So you know that I am having my exams this week and next week. One this week, 4 next week. No justice right?

I am essaying it up in history and English, trying to understand the French news and right now, mathsing (yes it is a word… now ;)) like there is no tomorrow. Fun no?
No, actually not really, but I take solace in going through your blogs, commenting and basically enjoying myself as such as possible before I have to go and do some more work πŸ˜›

Anyway, I decided to put a positive spin on my not-so-awesome life right now by using it to my advantage. Is that even possible?
Surprisingly, yes – I have come to realise through extensive research (a.k.a. thinking :D) that because I have very limited time to indulge myself in my hobbies, this is the perfect time to find and make all those two-minute recipes πŸ˜€

In my case, I cannot say for you because I am not sure, but if I have time, I want to spend it in the kitchen. Always. More often than not, this means making dozens of cookies or frosted cheesecakes and I completely forget about all those quick recipes because, to be brutality honest, they just DO NOT give enough kitchen time.

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But right now, they are exactly what any student needs. Something to whip up when your brain gives or something to chew to stop the pain in your hand from excessively writing. Something delicious, scrumptious and drool worthy without requiring 20 bowls and 10 stirring spoons. Something that wakes you up in the morning so well that you go ‘Let’s hit the books’ (ok, I have never said that but still!)

french toast in cup 23To all students/People who like quick bites/Midnight snackers,

Check out these links:

2 Minute Microwave Nutella Cupcakes

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3 Ingredient Coconut Cookies

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No-Bake Nutella-Toblerone Fudgy Fridge Biscuits

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10 Minute Apple Crumble

Sorry for this photo!

Sorry for this photo!

2 Ingredient Nutella Mousse

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Microwave Chocolate Swirled Peanut Butter Fudge

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Nutella Milk

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Perfect Hot Fudge Sundae Sauce Nutella Banana Grilled Sandwich

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And for a little savoury πŸ˜‰

5 Minute Wrap Pizza

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Here is another recipe to add to this list. Fast, easy and delicious, you will never want to make French toast the long way again πŸ˜‰
This breakfast woke me so fast and has such little prep time, it’s a miracle I am not eating it for lunch and dinner too!

Enjoy mes copains!

Overnight Microwave [Banana-Choc] French Toast For One
Adapted From: Steph’s Bite By Bite

Serves: 1 busy person!


  • 1 thick cut slice bread – brioche, fruit bread, wholemeal – your choice
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup full cream milk
  • 2 tbs melted butter, cooled to lukewarm
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tbs maple syrup/brown/caster sugar + extra maple syrup to serve with
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1/2 banana, sliced
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 2 tbs chocolate chips/chunks – optional (can replace with nuts or caramel chips etc.)
    french toast in cup 9
  • 2 tbs crushed cereal (I used cornflakes)


  1. Toss the sliced bananas in lemon juice to keep from browning
    french toast in cup 2
  2. Cut your bread slice into 12 cubes (use 2 pieces if bread is too Β small)
    french toast in cup 4
  3. In a large coffee mug, place half the bread slices and top with half banana slices and sprinkle with chocolate chips
  4. Layer with remaining bread pieces, bananas and chocolate chips
    french toast in cup 6
  5. In a small bowl, mix the milk, butter, egg, cinnamon, essence and syrup/sugar until well combined
    french toast in cup 8
  6. Pour over bread mixture into mug and cover mug with cling wrap and refrigerate overnight (2-3 hours minimum)
    french toast in cup 5
  7. Wake up in the morning and laugh at everyone having cereal
  8. Remove wrap and sprinkle crushed cereal on top
  9. Place mug into microwave for 1 minute on high, then 30 seconds more and then another 30 seconds – WARNING: It will smell insanely good and be hot πŸ˜€
  10. Enjoy with additional maple syrup, fruit [and chocolate and ice cream]

french toast in cup 67****************************************************************************

french toast in cup 24Just another one of my quick notes before I go which are not usually so quick πŸ˜›

A big thank you on behalf of SM for all her birthday wishes everyone, much appreciated! Also, thank you for all the good lucks on my exams πŸ™‚

french toast in cup 25Also The Lady 8 Home was kind enough to award me the Food Stories Award which I appreciate so much but unfortunately and fortunately, I am actually part of the judging panel for this award so therefore am not eligible! Thank you though Minnie, it is most sweet of you πŸ˜€

I guess that wraps up another weekend now, hope you all had a great one – two more weeks until National Ice Cream Month begins *grins like an idiot in love* πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

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  1. Pingback: CCU Undercover + A Wannabe Gozleme « Go Bake Yourself

  2. Tisa says:

    I’ve seen many microwave desserts made popular on pinterest, but nothing had me salivating like this. Looks soo gooey and yum, and what a great idea to pour the sauce onto the back of a spoon. Innovative and brilliant, Urukutty. I hope all this provides the needed brain fuel for your studious mind, my dear :))


  3. Zoe says:

    Good luck for your exams! You got my attention with the 2 min Nutella cupcakes and I think that will give you lots of “power” to charge through your exams πŸ˜€


  4. Eva Taylor says:

    I just wonder when you have time! The recipes you’ve referred to are all lovely and decadent. I wish you well on your exams. Study, study and then study some more. Better you than me.


  5. Swathi says:

    Good luck with your Exams, study well , sure you are going pass out with flying colors.
    These breakfast in mug looks delicious, perfect and easy for a person like me with two crying babies around.


  6. Veronica says:

    I always forget we’re in totally different seasons! In America all the kids/young adults are out of school for summer vacation. Good luck with your exams. With gorgeous breakfasts like this, you are sure to power through successfully.


  7. Good luck with your exams! I don’t miss school days at all… having kids my brain is totally dead and not functioning. Exams sound so scary! >_< Thanks for all the easy dessert recipes. Even though I don't need to study, these recipes are my kind of baking… =D


  8. Amrita says:

    Exams are the worst part of being a student and somehow you’ve just made it the most delicious time of the year with that list of quick-fix treats. You, my girl, should be called a “Sweet Genius” (a Food Network show) πŸ˜‰ All the best for your exams, I’m sure you’ll score as perfectly as you bake!


  9. Jennie says:

    I love that I can count on your blog to supply me with nutella recipes that can curb my nutella cravings. Anytime I need my nutella fix, I know that if I come to your blog I’m guaranteed an amazing nutella recipe. You are the chocolate/nutella queen.

    Good luck on your finals, my friend.




  10. Barbara says:

    Now THAT’S a list of exam-helpers if i ever saw one. And your cereal is genius. You can’t help but ace everything!
    Good luck! And good snacking! πŸ™‚


  11. I like step 7. I think I might have to repeat it a few times. Mwahahahahahaha *ahem*

    Rewarding yourself is essential to keeping yourself motivated, so keep it up with the quick and easy recipies. The kitchen will still be there when your exams are over.


  12. It’s too bad you don’t like chocolate…or sweets, CCU! πŸ™‚ I’m loving the perfect hot fudge sundae nutella banana grilled sandwich. What a super idea! Your posts are always so fun and make me smile. Good luck with those exams and papers.


  13. French toast was me favorite “treat” breakfast growing up. Mom used to make it on her homemade sourdough bread and top it with berries and cinnamon-syrup. Love the idea that there’s an easy way to make it for one! I’m bring back my favorite breakfast now. πŸ™‚


  14. hotlyspiced says:

    That’s the sort of food I used to make when I was studying – the more sugar the better! And some of these things you can make in such a short space of time would make you think you can cook faster than Jamie Oliver. Best of luck for your exams Uru xx


  15. Hey Uru, I know the feeling. I’ve got prac tests and a written this week for end of semester (but luckily) I’m still cooking-but the dishes are homework of course. Good luck and liking those quick bites and snacks you got going!


  16. Good luck with your exams! With one of these breakfasts inside you, you’ll have plenty of energy to do well. I used to tell my students to get some oats down them to maintain their blood sugar level throughout the exam. Just add some to that amazing banana concoction and you’ll have the perfect sustaining feast!
    All the best to you


  17. Rhonda says:

    Good luck on your exams! I think there are only a few things I do not like to eat and bananas is one of them, but I bet it would be good with blueberries too!


  18. Starr says:

    Sounds delicious! It’s amazing how creative some people can get with their microwave. So many use it for nothing more than a leftover warmer and popcorn burner… Great job!


  19. Jasline says:

    I’m no longer a student… but all these treats that you have just shared on your blog look extremely delicious! I’m sure I’m going to gain a few more pounds soon!


  20. glamorous glutton says:

    Good Luck with your exams, IO’m sure they’ll be a breeze. this post just goes to show there’s nothing like desserts to get you through revision, oh and the odd wrap pizza too. gives a much tastier spin to fast food. GG


  21. Kimby says:

    Hi, Choc Chip Uru! Glad to hear you’re taking time between studies and exams to play in the kitchen! Happy stomach = clear thinking. πŸ™‚ Also, one of the best resources I’ve found re: all thngs French is “Becoming Madame” (her link is on my blogroll) — great overview of French politics, social life, the arts, literature, history and more. Best wishes to you as you wrap up another round, with something chocolate to celebrate a job well done!


  22. I am glad you have landed on some tasty things that give you a little time in the kitchen but are big on taste. Some time creating in the kitchen is better than none! I love all the goodies in this French toast as well as the method of preparation. Thanks for all these links-some days you just gotta love the quick and easy recipes.
    Good luck on the exams!


  23. viveka says:

    Best of luck with all of your exams – and this french toast in the end … I will try during the coming week – love french toast, but I never do it – because of the mess it does in the morning. This I will give a go – like everything inside it. Can’t wait to try this one out. Thanks a million.


  24. Amy says:

    Hey! Wishing you good luck in your exams! I have my final one tomorrow..ahh! I totally agree with you about savoring the time you can spend blogging in between. Although I know for me, a short 20 min break always seems to turn into an hour! hehe, and I must try some of those recipes! Yum! πŸ™‚


  25. Oh, Uru.. you are a genious.. er genious, I know you’ll be just awesome on all those exams. You smart girl, you have your priorities in the right place and have blogged these lovely treats for us to fantasize about while you study:) Thank you sweetie!! I couldn’t wait to see how you did those breakfast cereal cups.. o. m. g. xoxo Smidge


  26. Surprise, surprise, I’m left drooling once again, at the end of your post…and how nice that all of these ones are quick ‘n’ easy πŸ™‚
    Good luck on your essays (and happy eating!)


  27. Micha says:

    Good luck on your exams! Thanks for the quick bite links and for the french toast one…I’ll bet that hits the spot on those late nights of studying!


  28. Good luck on your exams! I love how you are procrastinating. Your a girl after my own heart. I am sure all your yummy treats will keep you going to the wee hours of the night! Are you doing an IB program? A levels? US program or other? Stay positive and focused. You can do it.


  29. Cathy W says:

    Looks great! Microwaves were as big as houses (much like computers) back when I was in school, but I would have loved all of these things…especially with bananas and chocolate! πŸ™‚


  30. A_Boleyn says:

    I’m amazed at your productivity but my real question is … who EATS all these goodies? Cause I would be surprised if you’re not feeding your neighbourhood. πŸ™‚ Or are you taking them to school and handing them out to, well, everybody?


  31. And I thought it was just cereal when I looked at the first couple of pictures! Ha… was I way off the mark. I could make that. Oh wait, no bananas and no chocolate in the house. Darn. Hey, CCU, do you put it in the microwave uncovered???

    Keep writing…


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