Tag Archives: dessert

Guest Post: My Inner Chick

Hi lovelies! Guess what? I just finished my first exam! And I am not going to think about it and cry/hysterically laugh! Instead, I am going to put all my energy into trying to mentally take this amazing recipe out of my computer screen for a late night of eating and movies 😛

I mean… study for my next exams… obviously… *oops*

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Who do I have on Go Bake Yourself today? You may not really be wondering considering the title, but still, dramatic effect has to count for something no?

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CCU Undercover: Candelori’s Ristorante e Bar

Have you ever been to a dessert tasting? Neither had I. Till Wasamedia (thank you so much!) invited me to one at one of Sydney’s up and coming Italian restaurants. To dine, blog and enjoy the company of others while in the vicinity of desserts that blow my mind.

Now, I want you to picture this – Italian Desserts. A wild and hungry CCU.

Hold me back, I says, hold me back!

Because after you see these desserts, you will see why I went a little crazy that night 😀

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Before I begin writing this post, let me just introduce to a good friend of mine. Her name is Patricia Dean-Escoto and a couple of weeks back, she introduced you to her, her story and her tips on how to combat cancer! 🙂

Thanks to her, I was able to give you all the opportunity to try and win her wonderful cookbook, Top Ten Superfoods For Preventing Breast Cancer!


And just like Ashley who won my last giveaway, this time it is lucky random winner, Sonali from Sugar et al to enjoy doing this!

Ashley, you have full permission to do this :)

Ashley, you have full permission to do this 🙂

That’s right, Sonali you are the lucky random winner of this wonderful cookbook! Congratulations 😀
I have sent you an email and if you reply within a week, it will be on its way – YAY YOU! 🙂

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A Monstrous Post

What is a monster? Is it

a)  A big fuzzy cuddly bear which is reminiscent of Big Foot but misunderstood by society because of its size?

b)  A terrifying, vicious troll like creature which lives under your bed apparently?

c)   The inner turmoil one carries inside themself eventually becoming inexpressible?

d)  A cookie

Surprised I picked d)?

You really shouldn’t be if you know me well (Though am I quite partial to a) as well ever since seeing Monsters Inc ;))

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Nutella Baking Week Continued: Nutella Ice Cream

Before the real post begins, I am sorry to say I won’t be able to show you any frozen ice cream ball photos since it needs to freeze overnight or at least 5-6 hours and I won’t be home tonight to do the blog post. Sincerest apologies. But you won’t be angry in the first place. 512***************************************************************************** I think the entire blogging world knows the simple, quick and delicious Nutella Ice Cream recipes. Evaporated Milk + Nutella + Ice Cream Maker = Nutella Ice Cream Continue reading

What I Want For Breakfast, Lunch And Tea

Think back, think way back to when you were a kid – I am talking 7 or 8 years old. Weren’t parents so annoying?

“Drink your milk three times a day, eat your egg, eat your *shudder* soggy spinach and overcooked mushy peas!”

Oh, and in some classic Indian cases

“Have one more bowl of daal (lentils), eat more roti, you are a vegetarian AND therefore need more protein therefore let me overfeed you with beans and soya etc.”

Come to think of it, these are not way back memories for me at all, rather day to day occurrences. But let us get back to reminiscing… 😛
As a child, did you not want to fling down your spoon and retort back “I don’t wanna!”?
If you didn’t, either you were one very good child or had a tastebuds of steel or were just a little weird…

I ask you now? What did you ‘wanna’?

43I know I wanna-ed (actually, this is not talking past tense):

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