Monthly Archives: November 2014

Guest Post: Coffee and Crumpets

Well guys here we have it, the final guest post and what a smashing way it is to end! Everyone has been so talented, I have loved featuring you all 😀

Today, we change from the usual sweet tooth to a delicious vegetarian savoury dish I would be happy to eat! It looks so golden and puffed up with flavour! Although I apologise for this feature image being a bit fuzzy I have no idea why it is like that 😛

I am sure MANY of you also know the fabulous blogger behind this dish, of course, it is Nazneen from Coffee and CrumpetsWith her knack for food styling, and cooking and photographing, I know you will all enjoy this post!

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Guest Post: ShenANNAgans

It is officially socialising time – parties, gatherings, theme parks and just chilling well… everywhere! I have been baking a little but give me a week more and I will return 😀

Just a note though to all you lovely people, my comments have for some reason been going into spam for a LOT of your blogs! I am looking into getting it fixed but till then, I promise I am still visiting and loving every minute! Be sure to check your box and unspam me though!! If I have liked your post, most probably a comment will be in your spam 😛

Anyways, so now we have two more guest posts left, and I would love to introduce you all to Anna from ShenANNAgans! A mix of fabulous recipes, life stories and classy events with a massive douse of humour each time, her blog is one of my favourites!

Enjoy! 😀

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Guest Post: BeBetsy

Well guys, my exams are over by now, but I am wiped out from my first year of uni officially being complete (not that I worked as hard as I should of :P)

So I won’t be back till December (not too long no?)  – But I am baking already!

Till then, keep enjoying the amazing guest posts that have been rolling in, these bloggers are amazing!

Today, joining the wonderful chain of guest posters, we have Denise over from BeBetsyOne of my favourite websites, Denise features a lot of different writers for various homemaker topics, and each time I visit her site, I always come away with a smile 😀

Therefore without further ado, I shall leave you to enjoy her wonderful guest post full of delicious upside down cakes!

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Guest Post: Mademoiselle Mange A Sydney

Bonjour tout le monde! Haha, back in a little bit of a french mode there because today’s guest poster we have an awesome-sauce (wow that is SO not french) Mademoiselle!  😀

I met Mademoiselle at a few events and we super hit it off, so I was so glad that one of Sydney’s top reviewers would be guest posting with her own French delicacy of a recipe today! It will be one spicy post, if you know what I mean!

Jokes, how could you, you don’t even know what the recipe is yet! Alright, I will stop speaking rubbish as I do, go enjoy this post and I look forward to writing again for you beautiful people soon! 🙂

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Guest Post: Baking Perfection

I’m sorry I have been so off the radar with commenting lately (it is usually my procrastination) but this exam period, I have dedicated myself to cramming for two tests in the next two days, and a giant bowl of popcorn with ‘Under the Dome’ 😛

So close to freedom yet so far…

But instead of lamenting over my upcoming demise, I would like to share with you guys an amazing as blogger who has the baking skills of a king. Ok, maybe not a king because kings usually didn’t cook but um… how about the baking skills of the Muffin Man who lives on Drury Lane? 

Cos if this guy made gingerbread men, they would definitely come to life with all that flavour! Anyways, enjoy his fabulous (as you have already seen) macarons! I am salivating sitting here!

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Guest Post: My Beautiful Things

There is one blogger whom I have known for literally I think the entire time I have been blogging. She is fabulously sweet and blogs daily (I know, that commitment!) about three things that make her smile.

Literally every time, they make me smile as well 😀

Which blog could I possibly be talking about but the wonderful mybeautifulthings? For those who have been journeying with me for a while, you will know that she is one of my constant guest posters, always offering to help me out with exams (*cries with gratitude*)! She has made amazing lemon curd, and a to-die-for chocolate amaretti torte, so it should come as no surprise that her latest offering will be awesome sauce!

Enjoy mes cheris, I am going to go back and hit the books! 😀

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Guest Post: My Inner Chick

Hi lovelies! Guess what? I just finished my first exam! And I am not going to think about it and cry/hysterically laugh! Instead, I am going to put all my energy into trying to mentally take this amazing recipe out of my computer screen for a late night of eating and movies 😛

I mean… study for my next exams… obviously… *oops*

My Logo

Who do I have on Go Bake Yourself today? You may not really be wondering considering the title, but still, dramatic effect has to count for something no?

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Guest Post: Frugal Hausfrau

Bonjour tout le monde! Today, we commence with the first guest post and as you can tell, OH MY GOD, they are going to be good. They are going to be soooo good! 😀

While I slave away at not a stove, but at my books (jokes, I will pretend to), I would like to, without further ado, welcome our first guest poster on Go Bake Yourself (fireworks go off, slow motion clapping everywhere!) – One of fabulous blogger mates, have you ever met The Frugal Hausfrau?

Spunky as can be, with magic sparks coming out of her hand when she touches a whisk, I think you had better start reading all about her impromptu virtual trip down under no? You’ll love it, especially when you start to (if already haven’t) salivate over all dem photos!

It’s high time I disappear now… so enjoy!!! 😀

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CCU Undercover: Rise & Dine w/ Bill Granger

Exams? Pssht. CCU would rather attend an event. Obviously it is more important 🙂

But, no really it is! This event (as you can probably tell by title) is all about the importance of eating breakfast and how Australians really need to up their breakfast game! CCU has done so many breakfast posts in the past, you should all know by now she has a passion for this meal!

Read on, go forth and enjoy because after this, cross her heart and hope to die, you won’t be seeing CCU till December (with some Christmas presents in tow 😉 )

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